Friday, January 27, 2012

I was attacked by a colossal squid and lived!!!?

Happened over the weekend on a scuba diving voyage near Catalina Island. The thing attacked from behind like a coward and I went for the eyes and the thing swam off like a pansy. It's lucky I didn't pull a Mike Tyson and bite off one of it's tentacles. What an overrated Hollywood monster! I kicked it's *** in less time than it took to change into my scuba gear!

I was attacked by a colossal squid and lived!!!?
I have a bridge to sell yah too. It goes from Manhattan to Brooklyn. Good for charging tolls.

That's like so weird D: i was attacked by this unicorn the other day, I saved myself by whistling and calling all my fairy friends to my aid. They used their magic wands to change the angry unicorn into a frog. Then I kissed the frog and it turned into a prince.

You want me to get you a date with him? Sounds like you could use it.
Reply:yeah, i was attacked by a four headed, three tailed, hard shelled aligonkey but then i got my unicorn to pull a MIKE TYSON and then my unicorn stabbed the aligonkey with one of its three horns and it silently died in piece!

Ive heard it all before buddy!

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