They are all confused pansies who just want to moan about moaning, shouldn't they all just perish?
Why are all Democrats spineless homosexual trailer trash vegans who like being controlled via satelite Tv?
Oh, another Republican upset by the loss of the majority of congress. My doesn't the ugliness come out! I, a democrat and a liberal one, do not watch TV, ever. I am not gay, though I often wish I were, especially around men like you, I don't live in a trailer park, I actually own my home and work to pay my bills. As for being a pansy, I'm pretty sure that your opinion of that would change if we met face to face. Why don't you just go listen to one of your big mouth radio hosts and wait for further instructions.
Reply:But who, then, would think for us?
Reply:You've been spending entirely too much time sucking on that pipe.
Reply:Why do most morons actually fall for the dueling political party thing. Our founding fathers Washington, Jefferson tried extremely hard to prevent political parties from dividing and basically grinding our legislative process to a halt with all this stupid arguing instead on focusing on the damn ISSUES!
And also quit with your close-minded stereotyping and asking of rhetorical questions.
Why cant people follow their own beliefs and ideas instead of needing to be lead, (or choosing to follow) like sheep behind the lead of a bunch of over-paid, far under-worked, corrupt do-littles?
Reply:If you are so anti-democrats, you ought to show it at the The democrats like to travel down the road less traveled and they are always looking for exciting adventures that still improve the economy unlike the Republicans that have had the last two terms going and haven't made the economy better but only worse. Having said that, I enjoy them both...haha.
Reply:i don't know about all of them but i have seen allot of them like that
Reply:Thanks for being a hard working conservative and paying for all my perks!
AHH HAA Haa haa haaa.....
Reply:There's no need for you to troll us, precious.
State your case and/or make your point like a man without resorting to childish name calling. If you can.
Reply:They are jobless, Court TV, Talk Show, and Game show "studio audience/set-groupies" with an opinion and the right to vote. Doesn't that just scare the hell out of ya!?
Reply:There`s no need in being so defensive just because your government will soon be Democratic and you know it . Don`t it just piss you off HA HA. Hey, after what Bush has put us through all you republicans and conservatives are ganna have it easy...
Reply:Who would Hug the trees? who would "care about Blacks" for 8 minutes before an election and then forget them again? No we need them to take up space so that the french do not move here.
Reply:ho, hum. another brainless sandbox inhabitant trying to ask questions in an adult forum.
Reply:Blah blah blah. Quit the trailer trash talk already. Do you even know what a vegan is?
Reply:Thank you for your slurs. First of all I am a Democrat I saw action In Iraq I live in ten rooms I have satelilite tv and it DOES Not control me We choose not to perish We are not your enemy we have a big one waiting for us outside by the sane "good" folks who brought you 9/11l. Unite with me to win this war and stpo sre
sandals church
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