Monday, January 30, 2012

If more people worked harder for a living would most people be conservatives?

Most liberals are young immature kids who have no clue what hard work, determination, and family values are. Before Clinton came to office, there were quite a bit of blue collared jobs. But then, the blue collared jobs went to China for a quick buck. Now, we have a bunch of liberal pansies who sit behind their desks and computers all day and feel real tough. But we have a select few older conservative Americans who still hold blue collared jobs and work their butt off more than the liberals in the office, and know what hard work really is.

If more people worked harder for a living would most people be conservatives?
Lets not stereotype all liberals and all computer people. I'm an Air Force guy who worked in a steel factory to get through college, I don't quite think I'm a pansy. My boss is a Marine Corp Vietnam veteran, I don't think hes a pansy. Hard work is seemingly relative. A person can lift concrete all day and be physically tired, or a person may do computer work all day and be mentally tired.
Reply:There may be some truth to what you say, but I don't think it's a cons vs lib issue. It's more a generational change that happens regardless of politics. I would bet my grandpa would say the same about me compared to how he worked in his lifetime, as well. Prosperity typically means less manual labor. In my mind, conservatism is more about values and ideals, and less about being blue collar or white collar. I grew up working farms and lots of manual labor, now I'm an executive. Mostly conservative, but not because of my work ethic. It's born more out of what I think is responsible behavior and being very anti-entitlements, special rights, etc. Much more to it than that, but there's only so much space to write in.
Reply:most people in america are conservatives. and sure they would, after all, who wants to give their money to a capable person sitting at home while we work for a living. and thank those kids parents everytime you see them. they are the "leaders" of our future.
Reply:A good work ethic would help a lot of misguided people.
Reply:My husband is a Democrat, as are most of the people he works with. He's a union bricklayer and he works his tail off. He comes home filthy and tired after working 6/10's every week, he knows all about hard work, he's been doing it for almost 30 years. We live in an area choked by oil refineries and steel mills, where Democrat blue collar workers abound and if anyone thinks they don't work hard, they are delusional.
Reply:I think owning your own business and having kids makes you conservative faster than anything. Spending 4 years in the military helps too.

Regarding your details, I would just like to point out a mind blowing fact about liberals that they complain that companies are moving their manufacturing operation overseas, and yet they also push for huge increases in minimum wage. They don't even realize that one causes the other. Not to mention that liberal Unions demand practically $25/hour for unskilled labor, and $30,000/yr/employee worth medical and retirement benefits. Hell if I owned a large corporation, I'd move to Mexico in a heartbeat.

LOL @ "who cares". She lives in the Bay Area. Of course everyone she knows is a liberal. Let me open you up to the rest of the world with these truisms - A) Virtually all Professors are liberal. They say those that can't "do" teach. Most Professors have never worked a day in their lives. B) 99% of students are liberals. They are young and immature. 70% of them will go on to become conservative once they learn a thing or two about the world.

Your answer proves the questioner's point.
Reply:Oh my arn't you the one though. Have you ever thought that maybe, just maybe, there are workable programs, I don't mean give aways, to develope young people in our society, that are not there? by the way these young people without work you refer to are joining up to protect your butt! Any questions?
Reply:Let me see, you hate liberals, white collar liberals, and blue collar liberals.

But you feel like you're part of some elite group of conservative blue collar workers?
Reply:Who knows. I take care of myself and family first. Then help out with organizations i feel strongly about (VA Hospital, Elderly). If more folks took care of themselves and quit waiting for somebody else to fix it for them, we would eliminate a lot of problems.

To be fair, all the Liberal friends I have are hard working and wonderful people, we just happen to disagree on some things.

Most folks just go about their lives. It's the Polititians on BOTH sides that want to paint some generalized picture...
Reply:You want Americans to work two full time jobs? That is not the American Dream.
Reply:Where do you get your facts from? Most liberals are young immature kids? Well, most of my professors are liberals. Also, aren't most prestigious colleges full of liberal students and professors? To add, most business owners over here in the Bay area are Liberals.
Reply:Probably, but since the Democrats (who preach the Gospel of "Entitlements") have a stranglehold on the minority population in this country, they will always have a constituency!
Reply:60 % of the American population recieves an assistance check of some sort from the government.

"A democracy will only stand until the majority of people vote for the those who promise them the most from the public treasury."

someone smarter than me.
Reply:Hard work will cure anything
Reply:You sound thoroughly brainwashed.

Labor is the liberal ideal.

Most "liberals" are among the smartest and most successful people in the world

"pansies" I see you're not only ignorant, but hateful as well.

Typical conservative liar.

Those liberals are the only ones MAN ENOUGH to stand up to the freedom hating "pansies" in religionn and the GOP








If these things were left to the Conservative Republican crowd Big Business would have never allowed any of those things, they ARE more concerned about the bottom line than they are the workers that make it possible.

The Conservative Republicans in these companys vote themselves multi million dollar bonus's and cry like babies about minimum wage for their employees

racing shoes

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