Monday, January 30, 2012

What can I do to help fix my knee?

I have done running throughout my life... for almost 20 years now. I'm in my early 20's, and my right knee has just started to hurt when I run. I have never had knee problems before. It hurts about 1 inch deep and right under my knee cap. One time I went running, I thought I was just being a pansy so I thought I would just "push" through the pain... and 1/2 a mile later I started limping. It hurt for about a week. If I stay off my knee (no running) and rest it for about a week it doesn't hurt anymore. But as soon as I run even 1/2 mile I have to quit because it starts hurting again. I've even tried not running for a couple months... and it begins to hurt as soon as I start running again. What can I do???

What can I do to help fix my knee?
Go to and locate a specialist near you. I'm a practicing specialist in Virginia and have seen amazing results with symptoms like yours. Too often people look at only the symptom, in this case your knee and they try to fix that...What we don't realize, is that our body works as a whole and there could be some hip or ankle instability that could be causing the pain in your knee.. The website is very imformative and I highly recommend checking it out..Hope this helps..
Reply:I knew a cheerleader and she had both knees operated on before she was out of high school. The knees are complex joints and some activities--like running--are hard on them. Like the others said, you should see a doctor. If you want to continue running, try doing it on grass. Buy good shoes, replace them before they're worn out (they flatten and stop absorbing shock) and look for sorbothane insoles (I've heard they're wonderful). Anything to soften the impact, which is what causes the problem. And you might switch to fast walking. Yeah, I know it looks funny but it's hard low-impact exercise. Running on pavement or hard dirt in shoes that don't cushion and pushing through the pain--what can I say? Treat yourself more kindly. Best of luck to you.
Reply:Probably go to your primary physician or ER physician and find out from them what's wrong. They might just have to prescribe you something.
Reply:For something as precious as your knees or feet and hips for that matter..............go see your doctor. You don't want to do more damage.
Reply:go to ur primary care dr and see where they refer u to

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