Monday, January 30, 2012

What Is THEE MOST Heaviest Metal Song You've Ever Heard?

Just like my other question, but I'm looking for pure heavy metal. Let's say if people were calling me a pansy, and I got tired of that. I would want some kind of music to show them that I am strong. What songs do you think would I enjoy if this actually happened?

What Is THEE MOST Heaviest Metal Song You've Ever Heard?
people = $h!t by slipknot
Reply:blood pigs by OTEP
Reply:FYI, to everyone that said "Reign In Blood" by Slayer, unless you're talking about the entire album, the song is called "Raining Blood". And to the girl who said "Respect" by Pantera, the name of the track is "Walk".

As far as heavy goes, I wouldn't say metal has it; metal has been pussifying itself with very few exceptions and I can put most of my votes on Hot Topic as the cause. They market metal, which is something that should N-E-V-E-R happen or else you end up with absolute SH!T like Slipknot.

I would say the single heaviest song that I listen to falls into the hardcore sub-genre, a song called "Homicidal" by Bad Luck 13 Riot Extravaganza. At their live shows, that song is key to literally start rioting. There's a reason they've been banned from every venue they've played.

The other really heavy (in the most literal sense) bands I can think of are doom and/or sludge bands; Sleep's music is extremely reminiscent of Sabbath, one of the heaviest bands of all-time.

If you're talking about fast or loud, that's an entirely different issue and isn't "heavy" at all.
Reply:If people are calling you a pansy, then music isn't really going to help get their respect. And to be honest, anyone that respects you on the basis of your musical taste rather then your personality is an idiot and not worth impressing. But if you're just looking for a good get-the-hell-out-of-my-way song then:

"Don't Tread On Me" - Metallica

"Walk" - Pantera
Reply:Reigning Blood by Slayer
Reply:BYOB by system of a downn..
Reply:Machine Head - Clenching the Fists of Dissent

Although this song is 10-plus minutes, it's not boring at any point throughout. Creepy / mellow introductions turning gradually into blazing white-hot riffs keep things heavy. Insane technical thrash-orientated solos scream the skills of Rob Flynn and Phil Demmel. A true roller-coaster ride in the world of the fickle metal music industry. Mention this song, my friend, and no one gonna dare care you pansy. Someone gives you trouble, you call me up...
Reply:Reign In Blood- Slayer
Reply:Pantera 101 proof. The whole CD. Best metal album of all time. Narrowly edging out White Zombie Astrocreep 3000.
Reply:Anything from Judas Priest Unleashed in The East
Reply:first, no screamo. there's gotta be human vocals NOT cookie monster siht.

that said, i'd give the title to "hallowed be thy name" by maiden; "iron man" by sabbath; and "breakin the law" by judas priest Pantera
Reply:Son of a B*tch by Accept.
Reply:Cannibal Corpse
Reply:"Respect" by Pantera
Reply:2 things to think about:

1. Your taste in music has nothing to do with how 'strong' you are. You can be the biggest heavy metal fan ever, and still be a pansy.

2. 'Thee most' does not make sense in English. Even if you pronounce it as 'thee', it's still spelled 'the'.
Reply:Walk and Stronger Than All - Pantera

Reign In Blood and God Hates Us All - Slayer

Ten Ton Hammer - Machine Head

End of the Line - Devil Driver

Refuse/Resist - Sepultura
Reply:collapse-motorgrater,strength beyond strength-pantera,pain killer-judas priest,nailed to the gun-fight,primal concrete sledge-pantera,first song off of slayers new one.potters field-anthrax.
Reply:"Killing in the Name..."

Rage Against the Machine

"F**k you I won't do what ya tell me!"
Reply:Thunderhorse or Go into the Water: Dethklok
Reply:Take No Prisoners by Megadeth
Reply:now youve got something to die for...lamb of god
Reply:forget slipknot their not heavy

u need to get goathore's new album it is bad as hell

or super joint ritual, or slayer. all of their songs are bad as well u know. metal do-sent sell out. remember that
Reply:Ace of Spades by Motorhead.
Reply:The Trooper by Iron Maiden
Reply:Xenophobia, Children of Bodom, Cannibal Corspe, Nokturnal Mortum.

Mos of them play pagan black metal.
Reply:Megadeth:Tornado of Souls
Reply:From the original heavy metal band Led Zeppelin,Dazed and Confused,You Shook Me,Whole Lotta Love and Communication Breakdown.

There are no heavier stuffs than these.

Why does everyone bash Bush and not the terrorists?

All you ever hear about is how we shouldn't be in Iraq. Well at least Bush had the guts to do something unlike most of the pansies who preach we shouldn't be at war. How many other places in the world are getting bombed? Saddam deserved to die. So do all the terrorists. The more Bush goes after the better. The prostesters of Bush and the government are going after the wrong people. Why not bash the Terrorists because they are the ones who are insane!?!

Why does everyone bash Bush and not the terrorists?
It is easier for some people to blame their own government because it is safe for them. They know that the government is not really out to kill them, but terrorists are a different matter. In order to properly blame terrorists they have to face the fact that people are trying to kill them for no reason other than different beliefs. Many people cannot wrap their minds around this basic concept. It stems from making the mistake that all people are basically the same. They wrongfully believe that people could not really think this way and that if we would just stop antagonizing them that they would somehow suddenly become reasonable and stop their efforts because after all, how can you kill someone who cares about you? Many more people held this view before 911 regarding terrorism. They considered terrorism just a regional issue which did not really effect the United States' security, even if the occasional embassy was bombed. It is easy to hold this opinion when you are not being attacked directly every day and this opinion grows as people find comfort in the fact that there are not any new attacks to cite. What they fail to consider is the reason why there have not been any new attacks. The simple fact is that we will be attacked again at some point and when it happens these same people will blame the powers that be for not properly protecting them.
Reply:Yes Bush had the guts to do something. However, he lied about what that something was. How can we support a man that invades a country under false pretenses? Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 so how can you say invading Iraq was the right thing to do? I agree that what Saddam did was desbicable and unforgivable, but how can we take someone else's life? What does Saddam learn by being executed? To not do it again?

Remember that to be a terrorist is just to be one that incites terror. By that definition Bush is a terrorist. With the terror alerts constantly on high and constant reminders to be on the lookout Bush has the American public living in a constant state of fear, which of course proves that what he is doing must be correct and thus bolsters support for him.

No one is supporting the terrorists, but demanding accountability from elected officials is more important than "bashing" nameless people that will never hear it or care about it if they do....
Reply:Because Terrorists dont exist, its a made up word to scare you. The people who carried out 9/11 had a political agenda, and knew what and why they were doing it. To call them terrorists is to put you in this whole good vs evil battle, and thats just not the case, bush has lied on many occasions, and many of our troops (2 of my friends included) are not coming back from Iraq because of it... Over in the middle east, many groups consider us the terrorists, same propaganda, different side...
Reply:Bush gets bashed because of his astounding incompetence, the terrorist are not so incompetent.
Reply:not everyone just the commie libs
Reply:I vote for Crawler for best answer.

The reason people bash Bush rather than the terrorists is the media. The media is biased dangerously to the left.
Reply:On January 2, Keith Olbermann, in his latest Special Comment, said:

"If in your presence an individual tried to sacrifice an American serviceman or woman, would you intervene?

"Would you at least protest?

"What if he had already sacrificed 3,003 of them?

"What if he had already sacrificed 3,003 of them — and was then to announce his intention to sacrifice hundreds, maybe thousands, more?

"This is where we stand tonight with the BBC report of President Bush's "new Iraq strategy" and his impending speech to the nation, which it quotes a senior American official, will be about troop increases and "sacrifice."

"The President has delayed, dawdled, and deferred for the month since the release of the Iraq Study Group.

"He has seemingly heard out everybody… and listened to none of them.

"If the BBC is right — and we can only pray it is not — he has settled on the only solution all the true experts agree, cannot possibly work: more American personnel in Iraq, not as trainers for Iraqi troops, but as part of some flabby plan for "sacrifice."


"More American servicemen and women will have their lives risked.

"More American servicemen and women will have their lives ended.

"More American families will have to bear the unbearable, and rationalize the unforgivable — "sacrifice" — sacrifice now, sacrifice tomorrow, sacrifice forever.

"And more Americans — more even than the two-thirds who already believe we need fewer troops in Iraq, not more — will have to conclude the President does not have any idea what he's doing - and that other Americans will have to die for that reason.

"It must now be branded as propaganda — for even the President cannot truly feel that very many people still believe him to be competent in this area, let alone "the decider."

"But from our impeccable reporter at the Pentagon, Jim Miklaszewski, tonight comes confirmation of something called "surge and accelerate" — as many as 20-thousand additional troops — for "political purposes"…

"This, in line with what we had previously heard, that this will be proclaimed a short-term measure, for the stated purpose of increasing security in and around Baghdad, and giving an Iraqi government a chance to establish some kind of order.

"This is palpable nonsense, Mr. Bush.

"If this is your intention — if the centerpiece of your announcement next week will be "sacrifice" — sacrifice your intention, not more American lives!

"As Senator Biden has pointed out, the new troops might improve the ratio our forces, face relative to those living in Baghdad (friend and foe), from 200 to 1, to just 100 to 1.



"A drop in the bucket.

"The additional men and women you have sentenced to go there, sir, will serve only as targets.

"They will not be there "short-term," Mr. Bush; for many it will mean a year or more in death's shadow.

"This is not temporary, Mr. Bush.

"For the Americans who will die because of you… it will be as permanent as it gets.

"The various rationales for what Mr. Bush will reportedly re-christen "sacrifice," constitute a very thin gruel, indeed.

"The former Labor Secretary, Robert Reich, says Senator McCain told him that the "surge" would help the "morale" of the troops already in Iraq.

"If Mr. McCain truly said that, and truly believes it, he has either forgotten completely his own experience in Vietnam… or he is unaware of the recent Military Times poll indicating only 38 percent of our active military want to see more troops sent… or Mr. McCain has departed from reality.

"Then there is the argument that to take any steps towards reducing troop numbers would show weakness to the enemy in Iraq, or to the terrorists around the world.

"This simplistic logic ignores the inescapable fact that we have indeed already showed weakness to the enemy, and to the terrorists.

"We have shown them that we will let our own people be killed, for no good reason.

"We have now shown them that we will continue to do so.

"We have shown them our stupidity.

"Mr. Bush, your judgment about Iraq — and now about "sacrifice" — is at variance with your people's, to the point of delusion.

"Your most respected generals see no value in a "surge" — they could not possibly see it in this madness of "sacrifice."

"The Iraq Study Group told you it would be a mistake.

"Perhaps dozens more have told you it would be a mistake.

"And you threw their wisdom back, until you finally heard what you wanted to hear, like some child drawing straws and then saying "best two out of three… best three out of five… Hundredth one counts."

"Your citizens, the people for whom you work, have told you they do not want this, and more over, they do not want you to do this.

"Yet once again, sir, you have ignored all of us.

"Mr. Bush, you do not own this country!

"To those Republicans who have not broken free from the slavery of partisanship — those bonded still, to this President and this Administration — and now bonded to this "sacrifice" — proceed at your own peril.

"John McCain may still hear the applause of small crowds — he has somehow inured himself to the hypocrisy, and the tragedy, of a man who considers himself the ultimate realist, courting the votes of those who support the government telling visitors to the Grand Canyon that it was caused by the Great Flood.

"That Mr. McCain is selling himself off to the irrational Right, parcel by parcel, like some great landowner facing bankruptcy, seems to be obvious to everybody but himself.

"Or, maybe it is obvious to him — and he simply no longer cares.

"But to the rest of you in the Republican Party.

"We need you to speak up, right now, in defense of your country's most precious assets — the lives of its citizens who are in harm's way.

"If you do not, you are not serving this nation's interests — nor your own.

"Last November should have told you this.

"The opening of the new Congress tomorrow and Thursday, should tell you this.

"Next time, those missing Republicans, will be you.

"And to the Democrats now yoked to the helm of this sinking ship, you proceed at your own peril, as well.

"President Bush may not be very good at reality, but he and Mr. Cheney and Mr. Rove are still gifted at letting American troops be killed, and then turning their deaths to their own political advantage.

"The equation is simple. This country does not want more troops in Iraq.

"It wants fewer.

"Go and make it happen, or go and look for other work.

"Yet you Democrats must assume that even if you take the most obvious of courses, and cut off funding for the war… Mr. Bush will ignore you as long as possible, or will find the money elsewhere, or will spend the money meant to protect the troops, and re-purpose it to keep as many troops there as long as he can keep them there.

"Because that's what this is all about, is it not, Mr. Bush?

"That is what this "sacrifice" has been for.

"To continue this senseless, endless war.

"You have dressed it up in the clothing, first of a hunt for weapons of mass destruction, then of liberation… then of regional imperative… then of oil prices… and now in these new terms of "sacrifice" — it's like a damned game of Colorforms, isn't it, sir?

"This senseless, endless war.

"But it has not been senseless in two ways.

"It has succeeded, Mr. Bush, in enabling you to deaden the collective mind of this country to the pointlessness of endless war, against the wrong people, in the wrong place, at the wrong time.

"It has gotten many of us, used to the idea — the virtual "white noise" — of conflict far away, of the deaths of young Americans, of vague "sacrifice" for some fluid cause, too complicated to be interpreted except in terms of the very important sounding, but ultimately meaningless phrase, "the war on terror."

"And the war's second accomplishment — your second accomplishment, sir - is to have taken money out of the pockets of every American, even out of the pockets of the dead soldiers on the battlefield, and their families, and to have given that money to the war profiteers.

"Because if you sell the Army a thousand Humvees, you can't sell them any more, until the first thousand have been destroyed.

"The service men and women are ancillary to the equation.

"This is about the planned obsolescence of ordnance, isn't it, Mr. Bush? And the building of detention centers? And the design of a 125-million dollar courtroom complex at Gitmo complete with restaurants.

"At least the war profiteers have made their money, sir.

"And we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain.

"You have insisted, Mr. Bush, that we must not lose in Iraq, that if we don't fight them there we will fight them here — as if the corollary were somehow true, that if by fighting them there we will not have to fight them here.

"And yet you have re-made our country, and not re-made it for the better, on the premise that we need to be ready to "fight them here," anyway, and always.

"In point of fact even if the Civil War in Iraq somehow ended tomorrow, and the risk to Americans there ended with it, we would have already suffered a defeat — not fatal, not world-changing, not, but for the lives lost, of enduring consequence.

"But this country has already lost in Iraq, sir.

"Your policy in Iraq has already had its crushing impact on our safety here.

"You have already fomented new terrorism and new terrorists.

"You have already stoked paranoia.

"You have already pitted Americans, one against the other.

"We… will have to live with it.

"We… will have to live with what — of the fabric of our nation — you have already "sacrificed."

"The only object still admissible in this debate, is the quickest and safest exit for our people there.

"But you — and soon, Mr. Bush, it will be you and you alone – still insist otherwise.

"And our sons and daughters and fathers and mothers will be sacrificed there tonight, Sir, so that you can say you did not "lose in Iraq."

"Our policy in Iraq has been criticized for being indescribable, for being inscrutable, for being ineffable.

"But it is all too easily understood now.

"First, we sent Americans to their deaths for your lie, Mr. Bush.

"Now we are sending them to their deaths for your ego.

"If what is reported is true — if your decision is made and the "sacrifice" is ordered — take a page instead from the man at whose funeral you so eloquently spoke this morning — Gerald Ford: Put pragmatism and the healing of a nation, ahead of some kind of misguided vision.


"Sacrifice, Mr. Bush?

"No, sir, this is not "sacrifice." This has now become "human sacrifice."

"And it must stop.

"And you can stop it.

"Next week, make us all look wrong.

"Our meaningless sacrifice in Iraq must stop.

"And you must stop it."

I could not have said it better myself. So you see, we're not bashing Bush as a man, or even as a President, although it is admittedly amusing when he is made fun of for mispronunciation of words like "nukular". We're bashing him for continuing a war whose cause has ceased to be just and honorable for the majority of citizens in this country. That's why Vietnam is being invoked.
Reply:Please read this twice...

Osama Bin Laden and Al Quada sent video tapes around the world and proclaimed responsibility for the 9/11 attacks!

Back in the 90's when Iraq invaded Kuwait he did so with the acknowledement of the United States officials that they would not get involved. It wasn't until Saudi Arabia {The Bin Laden family---Bush family business partners} asked the United States to intervene that we finally took military action in Desert Storm.

The Bush family---OIL The Bin Laden family---OIL--- OPEC---KB%26amp;R{HALLIBURTON} Vice-President Cheney The Carlyle Group!!!!!! Seriously can anyone really not see the rabbit behind the magicians back.

Every person involved with the companies that I have mentioned in the previous paragraph stand to gain a HUGE financial windfall by the rebuilding and rechanneling of Iraq's natural resources!

Every American wants the perpetrators of 9/11 brought to justice. Fortunately NOW even the Rep. party members who are tired of "staying the course" with an administration that got caught lining their pockets are calling for the madness to stop!!

Not wanting to wage war doesn't make you a pansy. It makes you accountable to the human race.
Reply:Because people still believe that the media tells the truth, the Democratic Party is for the poor and working people, that Bush is in the oil companies pockets, that Karl Rove is evil and so on. Finding out the truth is hard work, it requires you to actually do something. It's much easier to bash Bush, because it makes you sound as if you were witty without having to go through all the bother of actually reading a book or thinking before you speak,or something...besides, the terrorist have darker skin than white would be racist to bash them, even if they are fascists and maniacs.
Reply:Saddam was not a terrorist for the US; hence bush bashing
Reply:because they cant see the terrorists but they see bush everyday, so naturally they are going to bash him
Reply:In my mind Bush IS a terrorist. This inept and delusional con artist misled us into a bogus war - and I am still not clear why we invaded and occupied in the first place. Even Gerald Ford stated it was not in our national interest to do so.

Thank god his term will expire in less than 2 years with a Democratic House and Senate. Can it be Bush is being held accountable for his failed policies in a failed war? I think you will find yourself in an ever shrinking minority.
Reply:Bush could have finished his job in Irak a LONG time ago, but he wants the war to go on. it brings profit to the U.S. The terrorists are crazy, i will not dispute that, but they have been provoked. man must find peaceful ways of combating idiocy, rather than using the stick...please, for God sake, stop thinking with your instincts people, we have evolved!!!!
Reply:Everyone is against terrorist. They bash Bush because he has mishandled almost everything.
Reply:Because, that's how kids deal with someone they disagree with. They fling insults and half truths. But...I digress.

Just one small correction to Planksheer's statement about Ford. He never said it was not in our national interest, he said it was a mistake to justify the war on the basis of WMD's.
Reply:Many people outside the USA consider Bush to be a terrorist. You like bashing terrorists? Ultimately, its you (the consumer) who sponsors terrorism by paying higher fuel prices to people who directly support and promote terrorism. So perhaps you should reconsider who actually is insane.
Reply:you have probably posed one of the best questions yet! I think we should be in Iraq but I think we should be dropping our own time-tested brand of terrorism. (Hiroshima stopped the war pretty quickly).
Reply:Its sickening I know but the sad truth is it's all politics and the Democrats do not have never and are unlikely to in the future think of the American people or their security before they think of themselves and their power. The media is becoming a joke in that they are sooooo skewed towards the liberal and Democrat agenda that they are blind to what is really happening and dont (or wont) report anything that portrays the republican party and especially G W B in a positive light. For example they were all a twitter about N. Polosi having a street named after her and ignored the real story out there did you know that we fought and killed Iranian special forces in Iraq who were attacking us and Iraqi civilians? No of course you didnt but it is true look it up. There is an old axiom used by the members of the media that says good news does not sell I think it would be more appropriate now to say good news does not sell some peoples agenda.
Reply:I bash terrorists all the time. So your statement is a lie.
Reply:It's becoming blatantly obvious that some people don't want President Bush to get credit for the good thinks that the U.S. has done under his leadership. They're scared %26amp; their rhettoric sounds like a broken record. Let them keep talking, the American people will see through all of the liberal B.S.
Reply:Fine give me the address of the terrorists and I'll bash them.
Reply:What we are protesting is the fact that Saddam was a neutered nothing after we were done with him the first time around. He was not involved in the terrorist attacks, as Bush finally admitted:

"No, we've had no evidence that Saddam Hussein was involved with September the 11th," Bush said.

Saddam was a freak and a genocidal killer. If we are willing to do nothing when Kabame of Rwanda kills 800,000 Tutsies, and then spend BILLIONS of dollars because we can prove that Saddam killed 147 Kurds in 1987 with the weapons and money that WE gave him, then there is something wrong with the system
Reply:Why do you think everyone hates Bush?

Why do you think no one hates terrorists?

Why do you think invading Iraq has been bad for the terrorist movements?

Why do you think bombs in other countries validates the U.S. military action in Iraq?

Who doesn't deserve to die? Why does it happen to all of us?

Are you drunk?
Reply:its freedom of speech. bush is an easy sitting duck that anyone can safely say bad stuff about.

its a sign that the system is working that we can continue to say bad stuff about our leader. The day we cant is the day we KNOW that we are truely in trouble.

people like to talk about those clowns you give faux respect to by terming as 'terrorist'

every time the tv guy calls them 'terrorist' it gives you a rush of spicy fear -- and boosts up the ego of these jerks.

You guys should start calling them what they are: moronic dumb clowns who cant get laid and whack people because they are too stupid to go and buy pussy or jerk off. Then these dumbshit towelhead wanna be mullah, but so not muslim sluts can be defeated because every time you scare your grandma with the 'threat' that a terrorist is outside her door and she stays inside and buys a gun and shoots her son who came home drunk late at night... then THEY win. and we all lose.

So PLEASE dont play up the 'terrorist' term anymore. its just creating your own fear and makes normal people stupider.

terrorist= poopy panted dirty beard clowns who have no life skills and dont want to cook for a living, just steal.

how often do you run into so called 'terrorists' in real life?

Thats right. YOU DONT. you only run into wanna-bes and cowards. so stop worrying about them and in the highly unlikely event you do run into some desparate jerk without balls with a gun and a knife then bring him down and dont worry if he shoots you cuz he obviously going to kill you anyways. If you are taking a person with a gun and knife seriously- talk to the doofus- get close- hit him until he drops it grab it and either kill him or lock the poor starving monkey in the zoo we call jail and hope he finds love.

= problem solved.

make his life short for being stupid enough to pull out weapons. hey our lives are short enough anyways.

Why is Ohio State Ranked above Wisconsin?

The Badgers have a better overall record and beat Ohio State head to head. Many of their games are common, being in the same conference, and while Ohio States may be slightly better, it isn't like Wisconsin has played a pansy schedule. They beat Ohio State, Pittsburgh, Marquette, Georgia, Auburn, Florida State, Indiana (split).

Why is Ohio State Ranked above Wisconsin?
Ohio State is overrated. They should be ranked 4th since they lost to both Wisconsin, and UNC.
Reply:The writers think they're talking about football....
Reply:they shouldn`t be ahead of them

Go Badgers
Reply:it doesn't matter

these rankings mean nothing

wisconsin can prove themselves in March maddness
Reply:They do that cause its by how many pts the team not the record
Reply:I'm a Badger fan, but I'm still OK with it. OSU's three losses are @NC, @Florida and @Wisconsin, much better than Wisconsin's losses at Missouri State and at Indiana. Tournament seeding will come down to the game on February 25th anyway.
Reply:that is stupid Wisconsin beat osu and will beat them again if they can have better d and the swing offense scores alot the have Orlando tucker they hustle there butts back on fast breaks i watched the Wisconsin Iowa game i saw freshman guard Jason bohannon hustle back on two easy fast breaks and cause a turnover both times and i only watched five minutes imagine a whole game and the Senior leadership can probally lead better than a young team like osu and they got upset 2 time it happens like the game florida lost
Reply:I am a diehard OSU fan and i believe only because of Oden they are ranked that high
Reply:Personally, I like the Badgers, but the Polls put Ohio State above Wisconsin. This shouldnt be like this. But I guess Id rather care what Wisconsin is ranked at the end of the season than now. Just cuz Oden and Conley...Thats the only reason Ohio State is ranked higher,
Reply:It just shows that the way they rank teams sometimes is just plain wrong. You spelled out the reasons why there rankings should be reversed.

rain roots

How many atheists are truly "out of the closet"?

How do you show your atheist pride? Bumper stickers? T-shirts? Using the Atomic symbol (American Atheists) or the pansy (Freethought)?

How many atheists are truly "out of the closet"?
I am out of the closet with all my friends and family and with many of the people at work, but not all of the folks at work. I display my Darwin fish emblem on the back of my vehicle and I get nasty stares from the jesus fish folks. I have one atheist sweatshirt I wear during the Winter Solstice season.
Reply:I'm surprised. This was my first visit to Yahoo Answers. This question appeared in my Yahoo email as part of a web search for "freethought". I like to keep up with the latest writings and thoughts on this and other related subjects.

Thanks for the kudos. Report It
Reply:I'm not an atheist, but frankly, I don't give a flying F if someone is.
Reply:I don't go around telling everyone I know that I'm an atheist but whenever it comes about I gently make references to that fact. Sometimes I don't say 'atheist' because so many people have bad associations with that word itself.
Reply:if I'm asked i speak,otherwise i don't want to be subjected to how i should believe otherwise,i don't like to be lectured to like a toddler.
Reply:Personally, I think all of the insignia out there are misrepresentative and, well... ugly. I just say what I think. Beyond that, I don't really know if there was a closet for me to begin with.
Reply:I'm up for a convention in Vegas.
Reply:i speak my mind in the midst of the enemy . dangerous thing to do .

Anyone have a doily pansies around the edge have lost my pattern?

this poily is a set for dressing table 1 large %26amp;2 small.hoping for some help thank yoy

Anyone have a doily pansies around the edge have lost my pattern?
This is a nice one, but it's not a set. You could probably adjust the rounds to make 2 different sizes though.

Can box turtles eat pansies?

I just put some pansies in my Ornate box turtle's habitat and she is rubbing on them and starting to eat the flowers and leafs and i'm worried that maybe they aren't good for her? Does anyone know anything about what flowers they can have or not?

Can box turtles eat pansies?
my tortoises eat pansy flowers and it does say in the tortoise trust feeding guide that you can feed them to box turtles, yours might like petunias as well, take a look at this site it has care sheets on box turtles, but they do also eat over ripe fruit i would imagine that the flowers will do yours no harm and make a pleasant change, best of luck honey,
Reply:my dogs and cats eat them all time. they are harmless to them and are kinda like vegitables i guess. i would tink that they would be fine for you turtle but then a gain i have never owned a turtle. A tip for finding out tho: i found a site with a jillion different plants sutible for my anole and those that arnt, so im guesssing their are sites fro your turtle too. Hope i helped!

Where were pansis first found?

what state or country were pansies first orginated or found in?

Where were pansis first found?
try the following for your answer


Can you see a problem in growing plants such as...?

Can you see a problem in growing plants such as...?

pansies and kidney bean plants in my frog tank?

I have two Rana Temporaria (Common frogs)

Can you see a problem in growing plants such as...?
If the frogs don't mind, I don't see any problem ;-)

Are we going to have to hear all about Notre Dame again until they play a real team in USC?

Once again Notre Dame lucked its way through the three real football games it played this year and got POUNDED by Michigan in their only marquee match up! They have been feasting on a bunch of pansies and will get killed by USC at seasons end. Their defense is only slightly tougher to go through than a heap of foamy shave cream! They are completely over rated and USC will score 45 points on them. Notre Dame will then go to a bowl game and get another 45 points scored on them. Brady Quinn will do jack squat in their last two games just as he did JACK SQUAT against MICHIGAN!

Are we going to have to hear all about Notre Dame again until they play a real team in USC?
I can't WAIT until USC whomps them...come on, they barely beat Michigan State
Reply:could care less they are both overrated
Reply:unfortunately, we will have to hear about notre dame as long as people believe in god. even though those bible thumpers are lame, they have a lot of money and pull when it comes to TV contracts.

i can't wait 'til USC destroys them.
Reply:North Carolina this year has been held to 10 points or less 4 times (Virginia Tech, Clemson, Miami, Virginia) and to 20 or less 3 other times (Rutgers, South Florida, Wake Forest). Their only win was over Division I-AA Furman.

And yet, the sieve known as the Notre Dame defense gave up 26 to them.

USC is going to annihilate Notre Dame in three weeks.
Reply:unfortunatly. the ESPN culture we live in is in Bed with B- Quinn and Charlie Wiess. They get almost as much attention as T.O.

If were lucky, USC will molly-wop them and the Notre Dame love will die when they a crappy bowl game and not a BCS one.
Reply:notre dame has stuggled to beat several weak teams this year.. then again, ohio state and michigan also struggled to get their wins today against very weak teams.

i was at the notre dame game last month when they manhandled purdue, but heck, not like purdue is a huge contendor.

the southern cal game will be a good test for us all to see exactly where notre dame stands.
Reply:Let me know where all the ND press is so I can read it...

Harry Potter Auditions FANS ONLY?

In the Harry Potter films, what happened to Pansy Parkinson? Did she get cut? Is the actress for her going to return?

Harry Potter Auditions FANS ONLY?
Lauren Shotten plays her in the 5th. Ugly little git she is though. Wouldnt really care to see her.

Loose Ends of Harry Potter Hallows Book?

I had a few questions. I'm not sure if they were answered, so if you can help....

- Harry became an auror?

- In one part, dean took Luna's hand, so I'm guessing they were an item?

- Victoire is Albus' cousin, so she would be Bill and Fleur's daughter?

- Do you think Malfoy married Pansy?

- And is it true that Harry and Voldemort are related? Because they're both desended from the Peverell brothers...

- Is it a coincidence that all the MArauder's died? Sirius, James, Lupin and Pettigrew...

- What happened to Dudley and his family?

If you have any ideas to share, that would be great.

Loose Ends of Harry Potter Hallows Book?
-Harry became an auror?

No idea. It doesn't say what he does for a living. No reason he couldn't become an Auror just because he didn't go to Hogwarts this year; I'm sure those who missed their final year at school could've gone the next year and finish together with Ginny's %26amp; Luna's class.

- In one part, dean took Luna's hand, so I'm guessing they were an item?

Not necessarily, I can't recall seeing anything more of that, and you don't have to be an item to hold someone's hand for a bit... I'm not sure of when this happened but there were plenty of moments when two friends might just give each other a brief hand or pat on the back type of support, even if they were just friends.

- Victoire is Albus' cousin, so she would be Bill and Fleur's daughter?

Because of the French name, this is very likely, but again we have no proof. Charlie %26amp; George are still single and I think Percy went with Penelope, she didn't die did she? One of the first two may've met a neat French girl through a family visit, or any of the Weasleys could've just heard the name through her %26amp; liked it.

- Do you think Malfoy married Pansy?

No, Harry didn't recognize her, did he?

- And is it true that Harry and Voldemort are related? Because they're both desended from the Peverell brothers...

Yes, way back, since those Peverell brothers lived quite a long time ago, but you're right. Don't think it's that significant because it says somewhere earlier (when they were first examining the tapestry in Grimmauld Place, book 5??) that pretty much all pureblood families are related in some way or other.

- Is it a coincidence that all the MArauder's died? Sirius, James, Lupin and Pettigrew...

I don't think so, sad as it is... I think JKR intended it that way, and that's why she killed off Lupin even though he'd just had his kid.

- What happened to Dudley and his family?

They went into hiding, and I think their hiding place was safe enough, because no matter how much Harry disliked them, I'm still sure someone would've told him if the Dursleys had been killed. Maybe Dudley would come around a little, he seemed almost reasonable (for a Dursley :P) when they were leaving, but as far as Vernon %26amp; Petunia are concerned I'm sure they'll go back to their Muggle lives and do their very best to forget Harry ever existed.
Reply:They don't tell you what job Harry has, because I assume she doesn't want you to know for sure and keep your mind open.

I don't think they are an item. I don't remember her taking his hand or vice versa, but i just think they were there together and it was just holding hands. I hold my little sister's hand, but we're not an item.

The Weasly's have a LOT of family. I'd assume that it could be Bill's daughter, but it could also be George, Percy, or Charlie's daughter for all we know.

I don't think Malfoy married Pansy, because it seemed that Harry did not reconize the woman that Malfoy was with, and I'm not even ever sure if Malfoy even ever liked Pansy. I think it was just a woman. We don't all marry our highschool sweethearts.

I suppose that they are related, but most wizards I'm pretty sure are. It sounded to me that Harry's dad was pure-blooded, and like what Sirius says in the 5th book, when you marry pure, your choices are limited, so I'd assume that most wizards who aren't muggleborn are related in one way or another.

I think that it is a coincidence that all the marauder's die. They were all important character's, but I don't think it had anything to do with they're friendship, just how they were related with harry. (not blood relations, obviously).

I'm not sure what happens to the Dursleys. I assume that they are safe and that nothing happens to them. It seems that if Harry ever speaks to Dudley at least, they are on much better terms.
Reply:I want to know the answer to a bunch of those questions also. But I'm sure Victoire is Bill and Fleur's daughter because Harry doesn't have any siblings so she has to be from Ginnys side. Plus her name sounds French. A longer epilogue would have answered a lot of questions I feel. **And Teddy wasn't raised by Harry and Ginny because at the end of the book Harry says they should ask Teddy to live with them. If he was raised by them, wouldn't he already live with them??**
Reply:well this is what i think

-i dont think harry became an auror because he probably had enough of fighting constantly and wanted to ensure that his children had both parents and a stable loving family that he never had.

-I think Dean and Luna grew close so perhaps they were.

-yeah i think victoire is bill and fleurs child because its a french sounding name.

-dunno about that one but i doubt it otherwise she would have been named.

-as they are both from the same line then they would be realted somewhere down the line.

-well thats life and they would eventually die so its natural that they would have died.

-They ended back at privett drive.
Reply:- Harry became an auror? Probably, I'm guessing. Though he didn't complete his NEWTs though...

- In one part, dean took Luna's hand, so I'm guessing they were an item? I don't know, I only vaguely remember that part

- Victoire is Albus' cousin, so she would be Bill and Fleur's daughter? Most likely

- Do you think Malfoy married Pansy? No, I don't think so. I think it would have said if his wife was Pansy.

- And is it true that Harry and Voldemort are related? Because they're both desended from the Peverell brothers... Well, yes, all the wizarding families are distantly related, we learned that in book 5

- Is it a coincidence that all the Marauder's died? Sirius, James, Lupin and Pettigrew... Well, it happens

- What happened to Dudley and his family? Probably survived and went back to Privet Drive after Voldemort was gone
Reply:Since Victoire's name is French, I'm assuming it's Bill %26amp; Fleur's daughter.

I doubt it's a coincidencee that all the Marauders died.

The rest may never be answered.
Reply:- thsi wasn't answered. it zoomed 19 years and siad nothing about his career.

-i odn't think this was important.

-yeah i think so. i was confused when they siad ' OUr victoire!!'

-again, not important. but yeah i do. i wish she had siad the wife... you know jsut an extra detail since she was talking about the other couples.

-hmm.... i don't remeber anything syaing voldemort was from thr peverells ( was this in book 6? i forgot alot from there)

-maybe JK hsad planned on them all dying, but i don't think there is any hidden meaning to them all dying.

-we don't know. they were taken somewhere secret and they are never allowed to see harry, and visa versa.
Reply:hi,i just finished reading the book just now(completed in 5 hrs), and here is what i think:

.1 well although its not said what became of harry's carrer but i think he became either an auror or he didnt work(he had whole lot of money:his,sirius and lupin's)

3 and yes victoire is bill and fleur's girl

4 again not mentioned in books but i think he married some other coz if it had been pansy jk wd have mentioned it(may be someone new)

5 no,voldy and hp rnt related although u may say they desendede frm the p bro's.its just that becoz hp inherited the cloak and related to godric indirectly he was the owner of the 2 hallow items.while voldy too had been desendant of gaunt and the p bro relation is accidental.

6.the best question.when i was reading i too thought the same thing,may be the marauders was destined to die,u know they all appered at the end of book 3 to assist harry in some way and they all ended themselves too by closing all their frndship link of the gr8 marauders.

7.dudley and family never know.

ur question is gr8 hope my views helped plz ans my q too.

-i dont think so i always saw her with Neville

-shes bill and fleurs daughter

-they were always together, but i dont think they got married.

-hmmm you could be right they are Peverell. cause Harrys dad got the invisibility coat from one of the peverell and Marvolo got the Ressurection stone from another Peverell.

-i think there is no significance in this.

-they were relocated to be protected from Voldermort and his death eaters. they prob will go back now that hes dead.

i thought nice Kreacher was Hilarious!!
Reply:It is not stated what job Harry has as an adult, though it's safe to assume that he could become an Auror, even without his 7th year at Hogwarts due to his talent and heart . . . oh and he killed Voldie.

Dean and Luna could be an item - or just friends. They didn't interact in the previous books, but I'm sure a stint in capitivity at Malfoy Manor would've brought them close.

It's safe to assume that Victoire is Bill and Fleur's daughter given that she has a french name and is a cousin.

Voldemort is a descendant of Slytherin, not one of the Peverell brothers (unless I missed something small in the book).

All of the Marauders had to die - going into this book, there was no way that Peter would survive given his cowardice and betrayal. Lupin kind of had to die as well, as he was the last link to Harry's parents.

I think the Dursleys lived happily ever after. As soon as Voldie was killed, they would've been releases from wizart protection and would hopefully have much more respect for Harry since it was his triumph that allowed them to return to their former way of life. However, they aren't the best people in the world, so I wouldn't hold my breath . . .
Reply:I want to know what happened to McGonagall, did she become the next headmistress of Hogwarts? Also, what happened with Percy and his family? Did they accept him back with open arms, and did Mr. Weasley and him travel together to work, back at the M.O.M.? And did Neville end up married to someone? And what about Hagrid? Did Harry and Ginny move back to Grimmauld Place, and did they then set Kreacher free? All house elves, for that matter? I have LOTS of unanswered questions...

I think JK should write one of her short books on what happened after life at Hogwarts for the ones we grew to love... Maybe Ron took Fred's place with George at their joke shop, who knows? You know, one of her books for charity, like the monster book and the quidditch book...
Reply:yea she should have written a MUCH longer epilogue
Reply:NONONONO Teddy Lupin was raised by Harry remember Harry's his Godfather jeez.
Reply:none of them were answered but i assume victoire is probably bill and fleur's daughter considering she was a younger than ted
Reply:- As for the jobs Harry and others took, we can only guess. My favourite version: Harry became an Auror. Ginny actually made a successful career as a Quidditch player for a while , now she works as assistant coach to the Chudley Cannons.

Ron followed in his father's footsteps and now works at the Ministry for Magic (Muggle Artefacts, just like his dad), which comesin very handy because brilliant Hermione rose through the ranks very quickly and now heads the newly founded department for Elf and Goblin relations. She enjoys working for Kingsley, by the way, he's an excellent Minister.

- Yes, I think Victoire is likely to be Bill and Fleur's daughter.

- Malfoy and Pansy, not so much. His character develops in the book, hers doesn't really, so I don't quite see it.

- About the Marauders, I wondered that to. I don't think it's a coincidence, but I don't think there's a causality there, either, not like they died because they were the marauders.

- After Voldemort was vaquished, my guess is the Dursleys came back to their old place and tried to forget about the whole affair as quickly as possible. Oh, and I think Dudley tried to become a pro wrestler but kept getting beaten up. Yes, I like that idea a lot.
Reply:none of these questions were actually answered.

i don't think Harry became an auror- since he said he had enough touble for a life time, i think he'd pick a calmer career (Quiddich maybe?)

i don't think Luna and Dean where an item, they spent a lot of time together at Bill's house.

Victoire must be Fleur's daughter, the name sounds french.

Harry and Voldy are related- all wizarding families are related (Sirius says so in book 5)

the marauder's dying is significant of the end of the generation, and Harry's crowd taking charge.

i think the Dursley's probably continued with a peaceful life, though hopefully Dudley was freindlier to Harry...

i'd love to discuss this further..

massage shoes

What is the nicest thing you ever done for someone?

What's the nicest/kindest/noble/thoughtful thing you've ever done for someone and what did you feel afterwards?

I just want to hear some nice stories, I'm such a pansy.

What is the nicest thing you ever done for someone?
Pulled 3 people from a burning car, they were all unconscious. I left before the were revived. It was on the news and they wanted me to come forward. But seeing the people alive was reward enough for me. I also preformed CPR on one of the people so when the ambulance got there that is when I slipped out of the scene.I read in the paper that they thought I was an angel. I would like to leave it that way. I was burnt pretty badly on my arms and that is my reward. I would do it again if I had too.
Reply:don't's been awhile
Reply:I stopped one holiday night on Interstate 95 near Fredrickburg, VA to help a family with 2 flat tires %26amp; 2 small children. I found them a motel room when all seemed to be taken and paid for it and had their car towed to a garage so it could be fixed the next morning. It always feels good to go out of your way to help others and hopefully they'll do the same for someone else one day.
Reply:I volenteered for the handicapped riding associaton. I would never do it again but I help the kids cope with their dissabilities.
Reply:Here are a few good deeds:

Picked up a stranded elderly lady on the freeway and gave her a ride home.

Sent a friend $500 anonymously to help pay her bills

Bought a less fortunate family Christmas presents

Gave a waiter a $20 tip on a $20 bill just because he was so sweet to my girls

Sent an ex boyfriend a massage for his birthday (anonymously)
Reply:Hmmmm, I helped my wife move out of our house into an apartment so she could be next door to her boyfriend without complaining.
Reply:Well Chris,there was an African American gentleman at Angle lake in Washington state and he cramped up in the deep end and was starting to drowned, no one sought out to help him, so i did and saved his life [by the way i do not know how to swim], it scared the hell out of me and to be honest the guy never thanked me.

Then i also saved my brothers life at the fall in snoqualmie falls,

he had crossed the river when the under current lifted then drug him under, he went about 40 feet down stream and grabbed a fallen tree and held on, I finally got to him with a rope and a rock and threw it to him, I laid behind a tree and he let go and I pulled him up, I was scared and so happy, he was freezing and thank full.

it fells great to help people even if they don't appreciate it.
Reply:well i would love to tell my story but then i promised to myself not to brag about the good things i have done with my life, just do it
Reply:The day my friend found out she couldn't graduate with honors because of a final exam, I told her to speak to the teacher to consider giving a few points extra to reach honors graduation. She graduated honors. On top, I treated our friends to go to her house to celebrate with pizza and a few movies
Reply:One time I got together all the clothes I hadn't worn in awhle and took them to a shelter.
Reply:I'll tell you something that I did but it wasn't just me it was also 3 other people to but since I'm writing it I'll tell you! I'm very proud of this project that the four of us did and it will always be in my heart..2-months ago we all got together and helped out a family because let's just say they were wrongly done and anyways we live in a mobile home park and the one friend owns two of them and her son lives in one of them well he was married and his wife accused him of beating her over time and sent him to's a real long story! anyways so while he was in jail she lived there with different guy's and destroyed the place so bad honsitly beyond repairs and it was going to cost thousand of dollars..the mother of course was stressin because she was ready to tear it down! The four of us got to together and helped we stripped the place and repaired everything to make it livable again for her son for when he got out in july-this year...We have pictures from then to took 6-months but we did it and we feel good.. That's what we did..Sorry so long...
Reply:be there for someone. feels good to help someone.
Reply:Let my husband marry me!
Reply:When my girlfriend was coming to visit me in Oxford from London on the bus (OXford Tube) I passed the bus in traffic on my motorcycle ( I was a despatch rider in those days). As it was stuck in traffic Imanaged to get ahead of the bus and buy some flowers %26amp; stuck them in my jacket. I then managed to catch up with the bus on the M40 just outside uxbridge and rode along side beeping my horn and waving the flowers (scene from the film "Restless Natives"). Girlfriend was a little embarrassed but touched and went on to become my wife so must have worked a bit.
Reply:There are so many nice things that I have done. I've stopped two people from committing suicide, I've given all my money to a girl whose parents burnt all her clothes, I've sacrificed a lot of sleep to stay up with newborn baby (right after a c-section mind you) because my husband was too tired to get up with him.. still can't quite figure out why exactly I did that...

There are a lot of other things but I just kind of do it and forget about it, it's not something I do for credit or anything. Just be kind to your neighbors, friends, and even strangers.... make their day, it's what your suppose to do as a human being...
Reply:Bought them flowers for no reason, just b/c they are my mom. Take care of a deaf dog who needs extra attention. gave someone money who was down on their luck. gave stuff to a homeless shelter. I'm always nice so I can't deceide.

Why am I calling AK NY out? read and find out?

he talks trash and then doesn't even allow e-mail and then he blocks me what a little pansy.

I already know this will be deleted but it was worth it so everyone knows what a little punk he is.

he needs to stop messing around on his mommy and daddy's aol account.

Why am I calling AK NY out? read and find out?
calm down, dude! Is it worth all this for someone you never even met? Forget going about it this way. Instead, make nice. Invite him to a game at Jacobs Field, bleacher seats. Then push him over the wall and watch what little he has for brains ooze into the ground at Grady Sizemore's feet. Just picturing that should make you feel slightly better. GO TRIBE!

Reply:i no im a yankee i think hes to mean and he blocked me so dont worry dude i agree with you 100 %
Reply:I'm not sure what's worse - the people that start these little pissing matches or the ones that continue them. I'll be so glad when school's back in session, so that Yahoo Answers will go back to being a place where intelligent adults can have intelligent conversations.
Reply:LOL............................. Are you just a little mad because Indians got swept? What did he do that was so bad? Enlighten me please.


Ok now I know he called you an eejit. Just don't let it bother you. I've been called worse. I was in the immigration section and they said a lot of mean nasty things to me, but i didn't block anyone.
Reply:Dude... you have to be one of the biggest pussy's ive seen in a long time...
Reply:Tough weekend?
Reply:Here is the straight dope...If MLB continues to allow big markets to buy players and destroy team unity throughout the game fans will stop watching and the league will fold. How do you explain Johnny Damion leaving the sox's to play for the hated yanks? How do you tell your kid to root for a player when has no loyalty to the fans and the city he represents? It is boring...Every year its the Sox's and Yanks Why? Cause they build great teams from the Farm system like everybody else? No it is because they can afford to steal players when ever and whoever they want. If you want change make it happen
Reply:He's a loser. He's not the real Yankee fans on here that we respect. See Mrs. Jeter and Proud to be Mexican. They have our respect. Who cares about that loser. He is probably 10 and just got your all riled up! :) Cleveland will come back!

Harry Potter Auditions FANS ONLY?

In the Harry Potter films, what happened to Pansy Parkinson? Did she get cut? Is the actress for her going to return?

Harry Potter Auditions FANS ONLY?
I don't really know what happened to the Pansy character...look on and type in Harry Potter.

Cover my plants?

I have some begonias, petunias, verbena, violas and pansies outside. As well as a few coleus. I live in Indiana and the temps up here have been in the 60s %26amp; 70s for the past two weeks with the nighttime temps not falling below 40. Well, tonight, it is supposed to fall to 37. Is it safe just to leave these plants alone or should I toss something over them?

Cover my plants?
37 isn't below freezing and it should only drop for a few hours so you are probably pretty safe leaving them alone.

Cover up - if you just don't wanna chance it. Any frost could potentially "burn" the leaves.
Reply:I also live in Indiana. I hear it is suppose to be down to near the freezing mark Monday morning (I think). As long as it doesn't frost your plants should be ok. The pansies and violas will be fine even if we do get a light frost. The coleus, begonias, and petunias I would cover if there is a chance of a frost. 37 degrees shouldn't be a problem especially if the flowers are close to the house. If it reaches to the lower 30's I would cover them just to be sure.
Reply:one trick we use in Texas near Houston on nights that are cold and near freezing we water the plants heavily just before the frost a heavy watering will help protect them where coveing them with a sheet hurts them by the weight of the sheet or plastic which will break the flowers and the stems
Reply:Glad to see you're so conscientious about those plants. You don't want to waste the work you've put into them so far so I would cover them gently. Nobody likes frostbite (except Bullwinkle the Moose in Frostbite Falls).

The Muse
Reply:The old saying ....Better be safe than takes more effort to type on the net than it does to just cover the darn things!!!!
Reply:toss something over them because you never know!!
Reply:I'd throw a sheet over them, just to be safe.
Reply:i am not a real garden person but i think you should take them out just in case
Reply:We had the same condition in N.C. last week, I just put old sheets over everything just to make sure and all was fine.

height increasing shoes

Do all you guys FAKE LIKE YOU CARE about the world JUST TO GET LAID?

Let's face it, gents, pansy softie ho's are easy pickin's when it comes to gettin them in the sack, and they are the easiest ones to dupe.

So ... ever faked like you cared?

Do all you guys FAKE LIKE YOU CARE about the world JUST TO GET LAID?
Shouldn't this question be aimed at both sexes. Yes I have and it works. But that does not happen often. Because I am truly not like that. I would rather get to know someone before going the route of sex. That should be important to both people. There is to many disease's out there for me to be playing with my life.
Reply:was always too laze to do that
Reply:I'm sure alot of sick men use that excuse, join the military or whatever for that reason. I don't need that excuse to get laid. I actually do care about my COUNTRY **** the world! My family and home are here in the U.S so when it comes to caring about us hell yeah! As far as the rest of the world peace is nice but it just isn't possible, there is no such thing as peace just time between wars.
Reply:no, i actually care about the world. theres a point when you stop thinking about your dick and think about others
Reply:are you asking politicians?
Reply:Wow, I hope you get castrated :D
Reply:no that crazy
Reply:you would have to be pretty pathetic to have to trick a woman to sleep with you

sounds like you need to put a cork on your line you are dragging the bottom
Reply:Yes, and do i regret it? Yes. BEcvause frankly, she was not worth it in the end.

What is the most evil thing you have personally done to someone?

I'm not talking about a pansy a** prank either, I mean low down and dirty things! And did you ask God to forgive you?

What is the most evil thing you have personally done to someone?
I had an affair with my best friends husband. No, I didn't ask for forgiveness. ~~~
Reply:Hmm. I once told someone they were a complete waste of oxygen. As an atheist, I am generally a moral and good person, and no, I didn't ask god for forgiveness.
Reply:When I was in college, I was on the maintenance crew, and I had to go up into the freight elevator through the top hatch to replace the light bulb, and while I was up there the girl who transported dishes from the basement dishwasher to the dining room got into the elevator with a cart full of clean dishes.

She closed the door and hit the button and the freight elevator s-l-o-w-l-y began its climb upward.

I flickered the light, then turned it off. I dropped my limp hand down into the darkness . . . then turned the light on for just a fraction of a second, then turned it off again.

I thought she was going to die of a heart attack.

I really felt bad.

I've never played another practical joke again.
Reply:I once told a non believer that God loved him.

pretty bad huh?
Reply:I stole $100 from my brother that screwed him up in his football pool.
Reply:When I First Realize That Being Gay Just Wasn't Enough For Me, I Started Cross Dressing And I Would Walk The Streets As A Prostitute My Dad Picked Me Up Without Knowing It Was Me And We Had A Sweet Two Hours Together. No I Didn't Ask God To Forgive Me And I Don't Plan On It Ever.

Some of my pansies don't look health, white parts,is them fungus? what ca i do?

Probably is fungus. If they have received too much rain, this can occur. Try to let them dry out a bit, and pinch off the affected parts. Liquid feed them with Peters fertilizer, after they have been allowed to dry, and they should begin putting out new, healthier shoots. A good fungicide to use, if none of that does the trick, would be Funginex, by Otrho. Daconil is rather strong stuff.

Some of my pansies don't look health, white parts,is them fungus? what ca i do?
buy some daconil it kills molds and fungas on plants its cheapest at depot

If more people worked harder for a living would most people be conservatives?

Most liberals are young immature kids who have no clue what hard work, determination, and family values are. Before Clinton came to office, there were quite a bit of blue collared jobs. But then, the blue collared jobs went to China for a quick buck. Now, we have a bunch of liberal pansies who sit behind their desks and computers all day and feel real tough. But we have a select few older conservative Americans who still hold blue collared jobs and work their butt off more than the liberals in the office, and know what hard work really is.

If more people worked harder for a living would most people be conservatives?
Lets not stereotype all liberals and all computer people. I'm an Air Force guy who worked in a steel factory to get through college, I don't quite think I'm a pansy. My boss is a Marine Corp Vietnam veteran, I don't think hes a pansy. Hard work is seemingly relative. A person can lift concrete all day and be physically tired, or a person may do computer work all day and be mentally tired.
Reply:There may be some truth to what you say, but I don't think it's a cons vs lib issue. It's more a generational change that happens regardless of politics. I would bet my grandpa would say the same about me compared to how he worked in his lifetime, as well. Prosperity typically means less manual labor. In my mind, conservatism is more about values and ideals, and less about being blue collar or white collar. I grew up working farms and lots of manual labor, now I'm an executive. Mostly conservative, but not because of my work ethic. It's born more out of what I think is responsible behavior and being very anti-entitlements, special rights, etc. Much more to it than that, but there's only so much space to write in.
Reply:most people in america are conservatives. and sure they would, after all, who wants to give their money to a capable person sitting at home while we work for a living. and thank those kids parents everytime you see them. they are the "leaders" of our future.
Reply:A good work ethic would help a lot of misguided people.
Reply:My husband is a Democrat, as are most of the people he works with. He's a union bricklayer and he works his tail off. He comes home filthy and tired after working 6/10's every week, he knows all about hard work, he's been doing it for almost 30 years. We live in an area choked by oil refineries and steel mills, where Democrat blue collar workers abound and if anyone thinks they don't work hard, they are delusional.
Reply:I think owning your own business and having kids makes you conservative faster than anything. Spending 4 years in the military helps too.

Regarding your details, I would just like to point out a mind blowing fact about liberals that they complain that companies are moving their manufacturing operation overseas, and yet they also push for huge increases in minimum wage. They don't even realize that one causes the other. Not to mention that liberal Unions demand practically $25/hour for unskilled labor, and $30,000/yr/employee worth medical and retirement benefits. Hell if I owned a large corporation, I'd move to Mexico in a heartbeat.

LOL @ "who cares". She lives in the Bay Area. Of course everyone she knows is a liberal. Let me open you up to the rest of the world with these truisms - A) Virtually all Professors are liberal. They say those that can't "do" teach. Most Professors have never worked a day in their lives. B) 99% of students are liberals. They are young and immature. 70% of them will go on to become conservative once they learn a thing or two about the world.

Your answer proves the questioner's point.
Reply:Oh my arn't you the one though. Have you ever thought that maybe, just maybe, there are workable programs, I don't mean give aways, to develope young people in our society, that are not there? by the way these young people without work you refer to are joining up to protect your butt! Any questions?
Reply:Let me see, you hate liberals, white collar liberals, and blue collar liberals.

But you feel like you're part of some elite group of conservative blue collar workers?
Reply:Who knows. I take care of myself and family first. Then help out with organizations i feel strongly about (VA Hospital, Elderly). If more folks took care of themselves and quit waiting for somebody else to fix it for them, we would eliminate a lot of problems.

To be fair, all the Liberal friends I have are hard working and wonderful people, we just happen to disagree on some things.

Most folks just go about their lives. It's the Polititians on BOTH sides that want to paint some generalized picture...
Reply:You want Americans to work two full time jobs? That is not the American Dream.
Reply:Where do you get your facts from? Most liberals are young immature kids? Well, most of my professors are liberals. Also, aren't most prestigious colleges full of liberal students and professors? To add, most business owners over here in the Bay area are Liberals.
Reply:Probably, but since the Democrats (who preach the Gospel of "Entitlements") have a stranglehold on the minority population in this country, they will always have a constituency!
Reply:60 % of the American population recieves an assistance check of some sort from the government.

"A democracy will only stand until the majority of people vote for the those who promise them the most from the public treasury."

someone smarter than me.
Reply:Hard work will cure anything
Reply:You sound thoroughly brainwashed.

Labor is the liberal ideal.

Most "liberals" are among the smartest and most successful people in the world

"pansies" I see you're not only ignorant, but hateful as well.

Typical conservative liar.

Those liberals are the only ones MAN ENOUGH to stand up to the freedom hating "pansies" in religionn and the GOP








If these things were left to the Conservative Republican crowd Big Business would have never allowed any of those things, they ARE more concerned about the bottom line than they are the workers that make it possible.

The Conservative Republicans in these companys vote themselves multi million dollar bonus's and cry like babies about minimum wage for their employees

racing shoes

I've been really clingy to my mom lately, why could this be?

O.K., I know this is going to make me sound like a pansy, but I'm a 14 year old guy in 9th grade. This year I started a new high school and don't have that many friends except in band, where my cousin is in too, but it's at the end of the day. My parents are divorced, so I see my mom about half the time I normally would. The bus comes and gets us the mornings we're with my dad, and our mom takes us the mornings she has us. Ever since school started, I wake up every morning no matter what house and become sad. Usually when I'm doing things and no one can hear me I get pretty sad in my room. When I get to school, I really start to miss my mom, and feel like I'm going to cry all day. I haven't told her that, and I try to spend as much time with my mom as I can, but I'm always so sad in the mornings. When I see her, I'm just fine, but I'm constantly sad at school because I miss my mom. Why is this happening and how can I make it stop so I can go on with school?

I've been really clingy to my mom lately, why could this be?

this is the sweetest thing i've ever heard in my life.. don't worry, my older brother is nearly 19 and he's a freshman at college. he's a momma's boy. carry a picture of her around or text her during lunch.:]

good luck sweetie!

p.s im the same age as you, you sound awesome.

NOT A PANSY, trust me!
Reply:You sound like you are depressed. Tell your mom you want to see your doctor.
Reply:Maybe you have separation anxiety? I've had it in the past because my mom is very sickly and I would never stay the night at peoples houses. Well she got sick last year (in the hospital for 3 months, coma %26amp; life support for 3 weeks). Now I don't stay the night at other peoples houses either, and I worry about her when I go to the movies and such. You just need to talk to your mom about this. She could help you more than anybody else. Im sure she can give you better advice than any of us, because she knows you. She could get you some help, therapy probably. Another thing you could do is join a few clubs, or start a sport. That would help you socialize. Ask your cousin to introduce you to some new people. I hope this helped.
Reply:You seem to be going through a level of insecurity in your life and you need someone to talk to and to protect you. You have to talk to your mom about your life and see if she can help you or not, you should find a school counselor to help you through. You have to do your best to work it out as soon as possible or else when you turn 15 or 16, things and emotions will run stronger than now and you will not be able to solve them. So make sure you have a way to work things out as soon as possible or it will get worse as you get older into your teenage years.
Reply:You're just going through some changes, and are trying to hold onto the familiar.

I would suggest talking to someone, so they can help you work through this!

What is all this "duty to retreat" nonsense?

Duty to retreat? Makes us sound like a bunch of French pansies! We are AMERICANS G-d dammit!

No surrender, no retreat...EVER!

What is all this "duty to retreat" nonsense?
Well I always figured that if I were faced with that sort of situation I would retreat as much as possible. I had never heard of this term, but I always figured that you better be cornered before you take action or you might be in big trouble (case in point, a guy in Prince Georges County, Maryland shot a convicted pedophile in his son's bedroom. the perv came in through the second story window using a ladder. guess what, P.G. County prosecuted the guy who shot the perv, sad and sick)
Reply:liberals need to would do everyone good
Reply:A man doesn't stand to fight in a burning house, you uneducated moron.

Why should the US spend decades holding back a religious civil war in the Middle East? Is it our job to prevent people from killing each other? How much American treasure are you willing to sacrifice? How much of the American taxpayer monies are you willing to waste in order to stay stuck in a neverending war?

The smart play would be to pull out--because we've wasted enough time trying to get both sides to reconciliate; seeing as to how they don't WANT to.

Or would you prefer to stick things out for another 10 years?

If that's the case, maybe you should do your bit for king and country and sign up. Make the war go a bit quicker!

Maybe after you spend 3, 4, 5, 6 tours or more in Iraq, you would start wishing that this whole charade would end and you could just go HOME.

That's what many of our soldiers want. They are tired of this conflict. There's no end in sight.

But six years in Iraq (and counting) is okay with you, right?
Reply:Don't you recognize a liberal war cry when you hear one?
Reply:Yeah, it's as ridiculous as the "duty to illegally sell arms to iranian terrorists then shred evidence in an attempt to obstruct justice".

Why do premier league footballers get paid an obscence wage each week,?

i mean what do they do exactly apart from run around for 90 mins, and hugging and cuddling each other when their side scores,like a bunch of pansies,they should take a big pay cut and the rest should go to childrens charities,it makes me mad ,am i the only one who feels like this?

Why do premier league footballers get paid an obscence wage each week,?
It is an obscene amount to you and me,but these guys are at the top of the tree.If we take for example Ronaldo,his pay is small compared to Tiger Woods and Rodger Feddere,there are guys in the city who sit behind a desk punching keys all week who also earn more.Also for every Ronald Terry and Cole there is a Smith Jones and Brown who are at Bury on 500 quid a week.Football is no different to any other industry,if you are at the top you get a lot.

Tonight Man U will play Chelsea to a paying world wide audiance of over 1 billion people,now think what them players are getting paid compared to Robbie Williams who is giving a concert to 65,000 people.
Reply:it is because of the show that they offer, i mena if you take a look to the other leagues in the world you might answer your question by yourself

But it is not only the game it also the trainnig and remember that is not easy to play in Arsenal, Manchester United, Chelsea o Liverpool, only the best can do it
Reply:dont know, dont care, if they perform well for your club then who cares?
Reply:she said footballers XD

What vitamins should we use in my son's Science project.?

My son is in 5th grade and he and a partner are conducting a Science Project. They picked "How do Vitamins effect plant growth". What vitamins should we try with pansies???

What vitamins should we use in my son's Science project.?
Any Vitamin B or Iron containing vitamins.

Maybe Calcium...
Reply:As we known,Vatamins are needed during plants growth.You shoud try all kinds of Vs if wanna a deep search and learn more.Wish the conduction a success.

computer security

How can I get my girl to be a little bit tougher?

My girlfriend is such a pansy..

She'll like, hit her hand on something round and start flipping out and like..fuss over it for like, 20 minutes...

She also will trip on herself and fall onto some carpet or grass or soemthing else soft like a pillow and say that she might have broken something..she says it like she's joking..but she'll keep going on and on about it..and when i tell her its not funyn she gets real upset and storms around and pouts...

How can I get my girl to be a little bit tougher?
well, it sounds like she's really trying to play up the "i'm a fragile girl" routine. to be honest, just ignore her behavior. she sounds really young, but you didn't mention age. i'm one of those girls who don't like anyone to do anything for me, but since i've been with my husband, i let him carry my bags, etc. it sounds like your girlfriend needs to realize that she won't get babied if she keeps doing it. if it really bugs you, break up with her. she'll learn then.
Reply:What you need to do is make sure she is not really hurt. Then ignore her. This will make her act out even more. Ignore that. When she understands that she needs to do something else to get attention she will do that instead. Give her positive attention when she does something helpful or kind. Then she will change.
Reply:I think she's sweet and you should Love that woman, they are hard to fined.
Reply:tell her to knock it off or you will leave her. sounds like she likes the attention

i like tenderness and play but I can take a punch and give one
Reply:woah she sounds like a little kid if it's like that pretend and say " i'll kiss your boo boo and it'll be all better and if you feel the pain that means it's working." hahah or just DUMP HER because that sounds like SUPPERRR ANNOYING!!
Reply:maybe working out in a gym might help
Reply:i think it is ok for a girl t be like that... but what if ur bf is like that? hmm
Reply:Have you tried putting her over your knee and spanking her? That might work.
Reply:its those little things you love about her.
Reply:what a brat! sorry, date an athlete if u want a tough gal. its not fair to date a daddys girl and expect her to change for u.
Reply:Sounds like she is acting like a SPOILED BRATT
Reply:Sounds more like she's looking for sympathy than anything.
Reply:Attention seeker....plain and simple, if you dont like it, tell her to knock it off....Can anyone say Hypocondriac?
Reply:leave her and that should toughen her up.
Reply:give her a "real" experience she cannot forget.......
Reply:My daughter is the same way. No pain tolerance at all. She is 31 now and married with two kids and she hasn't toughed up much at all.
Reply:Go camping.
Reply:Wow. That's pretty sad. Nothing gets me to cry histericly like that! Really, you got an emotional one there. If she's in that deep there is no turning back.
Reply:give her something to really complain about

Should matches be opt-in for Viera, even if he is not injured?

Big pansy.

Should matches be opt-in for Viera, even if he is not injured?
His time has been and gone bring in some younger players and give them the experience at this level and that will improve them as players and overall would benefit France in the long run
Reply:I think Flamini should be given a chance for France.

France should be looking for the new quality talent that they have.

Good luck in the Euros !!!
Reply:bench the old goat please

let someone younger play for France and so the country well his time has passed
Reply:Tick, V.G.!

Why is my car so fast?

got the new saturn ion red line. eat my dust pansy camaros and mustangs. with crhome. and a spoiler. fear this is right. i will burn you all.

Why is my car so fast?
Doesn't sound like you have much under the hood. I could easily beat you with my BMW.
Reply:Sure i dont have car LOL
Reply:Get off the Quualudes, and your car won't be so fast.
Reply:Mental age of,,,,,,,,
Reply:oh you have nothing under the hood of that thing.i would leave you in my dust with this ss.
Reply:Its probably because the other cars are not aware you are racing them.
Reply:Good you think so, But I think saturns are the worst cars made.
Reply:maybe becouse is new or becouse it has good tires
Reply:Well Come to INDIA.

If the roads are smooth traffic free and no horse or bullocks or elephants cross the path or deers cross the path it may be fast. Adjust the accelerator .
Reply:not so fast there sonny 68 chevelle of mine beats them all the details will scare you from thinking about racing so we won't go there
Reply:because u think so!
Reply:because you've got good engine.

So even George W. and the French are waking up to the very big and real threat of Iran?

Good for them.

God Bless Mr. Bush. At least he's still doing something right.

And good for the French. It's about time they stop being pansies.


So even George W. and the French are waking up to the very big and real threat of Iran?
Yes it's truly wonderful to see this! France looks to be coming around!
Reply:God bless Monsieur Sarkozy!!! Maybe France is finally coming around! Hey, maybe we can even see this alliance as strong as it was in 1781, when Lafayette helped us win our independence. Iran is a threat to the whole West if they are a threat to the US, and finally SOMEBODY in Europe is willing to see this and not just embrace it like they embrace every thing else.
Reply:Strange days. France sees a threat and our own US Liberals do not.
Reply:So if the threat is REAL, do you have *proof* that Iran has nuclear weapons this very moment--like Bush and company claimed Iraq had before we invaded on a pretense of lies and distortions?
Reply:I agree with 100% .... it is about time France came around. I just hope it last.
Reply:Now the french are the best friends of the far right? Lol!
Reply:Dont be so quick to break out the cheese and wine. These people turn around on a dime. One whiff of fear and its white sheets -a- GoGo.
Reply:This mornings news has a lot about the French and now, even the German government is "revisiting the subject", as Iran has just stated that they will fire rockets into Israel IF either Iran OR SYRIA is "attacked" !!!

I will post a question, shortly, about Syria, and the truckloads of unknown (?WMD?) items Syria received from Saddam JUST BEFORE that "DASTARDLY USA" Attached Iraq !!!

Knowing how "LEFT" the French are, and the "Neutral" position of Germany, to me creates at least 2 new questions.

toro gringo
Reply:Welcome to hell america and france. You will only create chaos for yourself by invading Iran.
Reply:More like shoving the propaganda forward. Iran is not a threat to anyone except Israel, but Israel is a threat to everyone in that region.

music player

Why do I cry when my girlfriend won't cuddle with me?

Whenever my girl turns me down on a cuddling/spooning session my eyes get cloudy with tears and I start sobbing. How can I get her to cuddle more often and think of me as sensitive and not a pansy?

Why do I cry when my girlfriend won't cuddle with me?
Reply:u cry because she wont hug you?

but what about the sex?

Reply:maybe you need to relize everyone is not like that ok maybe she is different and you will just have to like it .

Why do soccer queers insist on telling me how tough they are?


I know you're a pansy....that's fine. Do your little pasny game. But please, I beg of you, don't try to stack, your lame little girlie game against the likes of Football or Hockey. Seriously...what could your argument possibly be? That you're in better shape because you handles eachother's balls?? Get real.

Why do soccer queers insist on telling me how tough they are?
careful they may headbutt you
Reply:Are you serious? Why would people want to "stack" soccer against football or hockey? There's no comparison, soccer is the most watched sport in the entire world. It may not be as rough as hockey or football but it takes more athleticism than hockey or football. Plus football and hockey players get to wear tons of protective gear. Ooooh, big tough guys behind layers of protection. So lame. If you hate soccer so much why bother with a soccer related question? I think you need to get a life and try not to let soccer players make you feel like less of a man.
Reply:No, soccers not tougher, its just better
Reply:Seriously you need to get a life and get over yourself
Reply:You are so stupid. You must be so insecure about your sexuality. American football sucks, those men who act macho like you are the ones that are gay. So shut up, because soccer, real football-is the best!
Reply:My Argument are four letter word: F_U_C_K !!!!!

Are u happy now??! *LOL
Reply:Tell that to Oguchi Onweyu, I dare you! Or Zack Thornton. Or Michael Ballack, Carlos Delgado, or Zinedine Zidane... I mean, if you went up to Zack Thornton, and told him we was a pansy, and played a pansy game, and handled other guys balls...I would pay for your hospitable bills and give you 20 dollars (assuming you didnt press any charges on Zack). And, we DONT try to stack, our "lame little girlie game" against the likes of football or hockey, because we already know were superior. Oh, and by the way, we call it football, and we hit the ball with our feet, whereas you call it football, and you throw the ball with your hands and hit eachother with your big Why are you here anyway? Go away.
Reply:Maybe they LIKE you
Reply:ok soccer players aren't the ones rolling on the ground with 22 other guys in tight pants. and you get just as many bruises as you do in football and hockey. we don't need to get real you do. not to sound rude but that whole question was wrong especially when you put it on a site with a bunch of socccer fans.
Reply:oh dear...go and hide in a category where people actually care about your discriminatory remarks.
Reply:Thank you for the 2 point! I see that you are Prejudice against a sport that you might be bad at. I do not know you and you do not know me- I am not judging you but rather you are assuming that those that would kick your *** in soccer are gay? get a clue before you pass judgment on a race that created a game that you suck at! Thank-you for the report how you think that people that play soccer are gay and are not tough, but can you play the game? Or do you ****-it to gay porn all day in the closet? think of a better question and give me a better reason to get 2 points besides that you probably never get laid!
Reply:I dated a soccer player once...MISTAKE
Reply:i did play football when i came to the U.S. i liked it but i stopped when it was played with napkins on the side instead of real tackles. i want you to answer me here who are the fags big boy. are you trying to prove something or hide things about your big masculin self.

i also have played soccer professionally in 3 continents while i had a black belt in taekwondo. i had injured myself playing soccer so many times as well as taekwondo. however i am wondering how can you get hurt playing football with that huge protective gear? think about it.
Reply:you are such a hater ....I feel sorry for you :)
Reply:Let's just get one thing straight soccer is the number one football code a$$hole! Also why don't you and all of your dumba$$ friends stop comparing soccer to hockey and grid iron. If you love it so much then go back to that part of Yahoo answers, dick head.
Reply:why are u always around soccer queers u fu.ckin fag
Reply:Hmmmmmmmm...let me see. American football = a bunch of men that are so rock hard that they have to wear huge padding and helmets; wot a joke that is - this is called Rugby in the rest of the world, and not a pad or helmet in sight. Baseball........a huge soft ball where the players have to have a friggin huge glove in order to catch the ball in case in stings their little fingers - as opposed to cricket where the ball is like a stone and is caught with the bare hands - and baseball is called Rounders in the UK and is played by young school girls. Hockey - I guess you mean the one played on ice, yeah I will give you that, they are pretty tasty in a fight, but remember that in popularity it does not come remotely close to REAL football. You stick to your insignificant games if you must, and build up your own egos by laughingly calling yourselves "Champions of the World" even though it is only USA teams in the competition, and when any of your lousy sports can get anywhere near the popularity of the beautiful game then come back and gloat, but until that day (that will never come) try posting some questions/answers/comments on a topic that actually inetersts you - I mean what the heck are you even looking at questions regarding the World Cup, unless you are a closet fan. And for the record the amount of people who watched Super Bowl 2004 was 95 million TV viewers - the amount that watched the World Cup Final 2002 was 218 million TV viewers. You are a twat!
Reply:forget you soccer is a real man sport other than the whining when they foulk him its still a mans sport
Reply:haha and thats why soccer is the most popular sport in the ENTIRE world, beating your games of football and hockey. You make me laugh.

What happened to all the great french thinkers?

why are the french a bunch of pansies?

What happened to all the great french thinkers?
They all died of fudge-packing disease.


Growing Snapdragons?

I recently bought some snapdragon plants. They're doing alright, but when I purchased them, they didn't have very many blooms and I thought I saw places where they would eventually bloom, but over time, they'be not done anything but start to die. I've done everything I can think of to make them grow...water and sunlight, that whole there anything i can do to make them grow and bloom better? I got tulips and pansies at the same time and they're doing just it something with the plants, or am I overwatering or too much sun? Anyone got any suggestions?

Growing Snapdragons?
Maybe you should try nutrients to get them to survive till you can see which seasons suit'll have to keep them a whole year to figure that out. My hibiscuses did not flower for a whole 8 months after I bought them. I had almost given up on them. But now they flower okay in March-April. Did you try the Greenthumb spray- flowers bloom faster when you use it.
Reply:depending on where you live, i can't tell what you did to them or what happened.i live in minnesota, so it is way to early to put out any plants,even though the temps have been up there pretty good.tulips will do pretty good in the cooler weather, but snapdragons need nice hot and sunny will have to buy more i suppose when the weather gets better. did you save the plants, you could try taking them back where you got them for your money back or an exchange. good luck,susyq47...
Reply:Honestly, without a description of *how* your plants are failing to thrive, it's difficult to say. Are the leaves just turning yellow, and dropping? Do the bases of the plants look a little fungus-infected?

Also, what has the weather been like over there? The other poster may have something with the assertion that it's still too cold where you are to put them out. They don't need hot and sunny exactly, but they do tend to prefer weather that you don't have to wear a coat in.
Reply:what kind of ground do you have..good ole dirt or clay? much water will do damage and clay holds water alot longer


Weed question and pansie question?

Ok does anyone know if there is a website with pictures of different weeds to figure out what is what?

And do pansies have babies? Seeds fall off? how do you find them...thanks

Weed question and pansie question?
yes to both questions . Will try to find the weed site .( MSU?)

Here's one site with good pictures . However , you have to search by family . If you don't know it's trial %26amp; error .

There are a lot of weed sites .

Search " weed identification" and look for one that covers your area . If you described the ones you are wondering about %26amp; your general location, I might know, or narrow the field , at least down to family, so you can use above site.
Reply:For the weeds:

A really good way is to enter in the name of your county/area and "weed list" in Google.
Reply:Place the pansy on a sheet of newspaper for a couple of days. Shake occasionally, observe seeds on paper. Or, watch the plant, you'll see the seed pods open, collect seeds by hand. They are a cool weather plant, don't like the heat of summer.