Thursday, January 26, 2012

Proud to be a chicken hawk war mongering right winger, how bout you?

The libs can call me that all day, but I could really less give a damn, better than being an anti-christ, america hating pansy who drops his gun and runs everytime there is a threat.

Your chicken hawk war mongering right wingers are the guys in the military protecting your cowering liberal butts.

The VOLUNTARY military I might add...

so have some appreciation for chicken hawk war mongers.

They're preventing this fight from coming to your back yard.

Proud to be a chicken hawk war mongering right winger, how bout you?
I agree wth your comments...Rather be a War Mongering Chickenhawk...than a Yellow Bellied Cowardly Traitor....I know I did my part to save the wasted liberal Flesh
Reply:The term chicken Hawk can mean an old man who sleeps with young boys. Be careful using that term. It has become popular with ignorant Conservative radio personalities, who relay don't believe in what they preach but make a ton of money off of good Americans. Just an FYI,
Reply:Best question all day.

I'm proud as hell!!!!
Reply:ok i would support a war if it had a purpose and it was a necessity. War is the last option. not the first one. We should think about a war and if we send in troops the war should be worth their life a recent poll said that 61% of Iraqi's think it is worse so obviously the war was not very well thought out and calling u a chicken hawk war mongering right winger i personally have never heard of that expression and ur just as bad for stereotyping all liberals as ******* who can't take a stand
Reply:A friend of mine said "as long as I am the one doing you in the butt, you can call me whatever you what."

Same thing applies.

Reply:Sorry, I am not a "chicken hawk war-mongering right winger" either.
Reply:And you emulate what Christ stands for?!
Reply:fight in Afganistan right, Iraq wrong. Questioning the valididty of declaration of war is to protect life or limb, and resources. There are plenty of Democrats who fought in Iraq...under BI and BII, and I campaigned with them. Look at Tammy Duckworth who lost legs in helicopter crash, and comes back to US to run for Democratic seat. She is not American Hating pansy. Democratics don't just preach religion, democracy and freedom, but defend it, thank you very much.
Reply:Like I have said before, its a hypocritical remark calling a non-military pro-war conservative a chicken hawk. They claim the Bush Admin is fascist, but their "chickenhawk insults" are basically the same thing. They are saying that everyone who has this certain opinion must be fighting in the war. So I guess my 70 year old grandfather better go grab his gear.
Reply:I'm a libertarian that shares the views of some libs in this case. The U.S. foreign policy is ridiculous, we are all about trying to dominate the world when in reality we cause all the problems. Its history repeating itself all over again. Rome, Napoleon, the list could go on and on and on. Bring home the troops, put them at our borders.
Reply:I fought a guy in my backyard one time. Where was the military on THAT one?

Oh, come on, I agree, somewhat, I was just being funny!
Reply:What dream world do you live in. The only combat you see is on your GameBoy.

Retired Army
Reply:Excellent, I concur. Libs are all just a pack of whiney mollys.
Reply:Me to A Viet Nam Vet US Navy
Reply:Hooah! Thats all I have to say. I even got called an uneducated back woods baby killing fantasist. I guess because I don't have a liberal education and I only have two Bachelor's one in History and one In CJ who knows. ....... Shadow Stalker

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