Thursday, January 26, 2012

Do you REALIZE how weak and pathetic our PC government really is?

They actually had a meeting to determine what type of tape, we were going to put over Osama's mouth, on whether it would harm his beared or not. They have created a special ergonomic chair for him to be placed in, with PADDED cuffs. WHAT PANSIES!!!!!

Do you REALIZE how weak and pathetic our PC government really is?
The entire government has been infiltrated by muslims and their useful idiot leftwing helpers.

January 24, 2008

Imam offers prayer at Iowa Statehouse asking Allah for "victory over those who disbelieve"

And some of those in attendance were not sufficiently browbeaten by political correctness to fail to notice that that meant victory over them.

"Muslim opening prayer at Iowa Statehouse raises concerns," by Erin Ballou for the Storm Lake Pilot Tribune (thanks to Bryan Preston):

The Iowa Legislature started just over a week ago and some people were upset before the first issue was every addressed.

When the session began, a Muslim Imam began the prayer in the Iowa Legislature. This is where the controversy begins.

The prayer asked of "Victory over those who disbelieve," and "Protection from the great Satan" among other things.


Here is the text of the opening prayer, as transcribed by Radio Iowa:

Imam Muhammad Khan of the Islamic Center of Des Moines spoke first in Arabic.

"I seek refuge in God against the accursed Satan in the name of God, most gracious, most merciful," Khan said in English. Khan made no specific mention of the war in Iraq or foreign affairs, but he called God the "master of the day of judgment" and asked for "victory over those who disbelieve."...
Reply:Our government has become a huge group of PC pansies.

I agree.
Reply:I doubt he would ever live to see that chair..
Reply:Obama has a beard?

or a bear?

or is he bare naked?
Reply:Ah, if only they taped Dubbya's mouth.
Reply:They won't find him. That would be racial profiling ... wouldn't it?
Reply:i didnt. thanks for pointing it out
Reply:To answer your question, YES ... unfortunately.
Reply:shut up.
Reply:Are you llliterate?
Reply:You Americans think the governments mad......

Ours want to introduce a photo licence costing £10 a year if we want to continue smoking, despite banning us from smoking in public enclosed areas {thus infringing our human rights, and even the ridiculous policies from Brussels} and the councils aren't much better......

Scarborough has even banned walking dogs on it's beach.

Maybe we should have a competition to see whos leaders are the biggest pansies LOL
Reply:What are you talking about?

And is this 1992? I havn't heard the term PC since the 90's.
Reply:Always it will be very eager to see the out come of America's presidential election.

unfortunately, this time it is lacking.
Reply:yeah they sux prety bad just kill the guy dont say ohhh that might hurt him or ohhh we might dammage his beard before we kill him lol
Reply:The way the liberal weaklings have us viewed across the globe is pathetic. We are viewed as quitters who can't seem to beat anyone these days because the pansies in Government have tied our hands at Gitmo (and all over).

Putin is talking trash at us right now. He's not afraid of us and if a liberal is elected President - he won't have to be.
Reply:Doing a heck of a lot more for us than you. I can't stand people who only have the strength to complain.

Don't like the government? Get out of the country.

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