Wednesday, February 15, 2012

I feel terrible about what I did to a friend!?

I took 6 cds from a friend because he owed me the cds and I didn't think he would give them to me or he would forget. he didn't forget and he gave me 4 cds and said he would give me 2 more soon. I didn't take the original cds as I was leaving his house I put them in a shoe box and in his tv room in the basement. I told him about it but I don't think he understood what I meant. I feel terrible for taking them in the first place. I have done a lot for him however I buy ciggarrets for his girlfriend, I always drive when we hang out, I invited him to a baseball game because I had an extra ticket, etc. What should I do? like I said I didn't take the orginal six cds with me, but I don't think he will find some of the cds because I put some in a shoe box, I don't know what I was thinking. BTW he is 17 years old and I'm 19 years old. I don't want to say sorry like a million times because I don't want him and my other friends to think I'm a pansy or anything.


I feel terrible about what I did to a friend!?
Part of not being a pansy, is being able to say whatever you want, unless you can pull that off your a pansy in my eyes.... SO GO TALK TO HIM ABOUT IT, just tell him, its proubly been long enough he doesn't care, or if he does he'll have to pretend like he isn't.... but part of being a boss, is you don't worry about what other people say, so you can get away with acting like a hard **** or a pansy whenever you want... get?

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