Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Is Superman REALY the greatest hero?

i know my first question was really odd ( i know) but i needed to resolve a discussion with my friends ( i agree w/ the majority: NO, THEY AREN'T), but now my friends think Superman is either a pansy Boy Scout or they sided w/ me: he is Earth's greatest defender. so , what do you think? Vote America!

Is Superman REALY the greatest hero?
Yes. In terms of humanity... he fights for truth, justice, and freedom. His superpowers defines what he can and can't do. How can he be Earth's greatest defender, if he can't defend the planet from a rogue asteroid? Besides, he doesn't just stay in the confines of his city to help other in need. if there is a tsunami headed towards Indonesia... he'll go there to save the millions of live at stake. Can Batman or Aqua do that? I don't think so! Superman has an enduring legendary status that has been around form almost 70 years, and the way I see it, it still will be for another 70 and more... because he is the greatest hero of all time.
Reply:No,there are many more heroes that are better than Superman.Example:Spider-man and The Hulk
Reply:He is so played out it is not even funny. Any Marvel characters could beat that solar deprived alien.
Reply:no, he isnt
Reply:In many respects, he is the greatest hero. Superman was designed by Detective Comics to be the ultimate super hero. He was in fact one of the very first commercially sucessful comic book heroes. He has really set the standard for heroes since he was created. Most heroes have one or more of his powers, though sometimes done in a little different way. He also set the standard of the hero having an alter ego that is used to fool others into thinking the hero is "normal" or harmless so that he or she can interact with other non-hero characters in a more normal way. Also to protect those the hero is most closely associated with from retaliation by the bad guys for what the hero does to thwart their plans. He started out as a pure hero with no dark side and who always did what was right. Some people think he is a pansy because they tend to link being selfish and even brutal behaviour with being a tough guy. Superman was pretty selfless for the most part and had high moral character. The writers made Superman so super in fact that they had to add the achilies heel of kryptonite to keep him from being unsympathetic. Heroes aren't very interesting to read about if they are so much more powerful than the villans that they simply crush them without much effort or risk to themselves.
Reply:no batman, the hulk, and spiderman can kick his ***
Reply:It was the guy watching were he'd fall to put down a big big airbag.
Reply:yes he really really is!
Reply:It's easy to fight crime when you're nearly indestructable. Batman is cool but Spiderman is the shizzle! Both those guys put it on the line everytime they go out!
Reply:!~ well at first i didn't think so..but then after he died...i thought he was actually was a hero ~! (^_^) and i'm sad now..abt him... he died !!! (-_-)
Reply:No I rrealy Don't like him he is a Fake

yes he is awesome
Reply:I dunno about that but Christopher Reeve was fine when he was superman. R.I.P.
Reply:No way!!! Batman is the best superhero. He doesn't have any powers but he's a technology genius!
Reply:Right now the Earth's greatest defender is George Bush.
Reply:He has everything xcept the ability to do the one thing that is the true ender of bad guys. Kill. The "Identity Crisis" series is a great xample. If Batman killed the Joker way back, or even after the Jason Todd "death", alot of people would be alive today. If Spider-Man killed the Goblin, Gwen Stacy would be alive and the whole Spider-Man existence would be quite different. So the answer isnt yes or no, black and white. contact me at
Reply:I'm thinking it's all about Captain America. I know he's a 'boy scout' but the Dudes been fighting since WWII. You have to get props for that. Beating up Nazis always gets you cool points in my book.
Reply:No Aqua Boy is so much greater then Superman, and what makes you think we're all Americans.
Reply:Hell no hes weak against Kryptonite, and he cant stop a nuke that will still kill him, the greatest hero will have to be Dark from DN Angel.
Reply:Without a doubt

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