Monday, February 13, 2012

Wisdom Teeth?

Do they put you to sleep when you get em out? I'm horrified about it... I'm a pansy I know...

Wisdom Teeth?
It depends on who removes them. Your dentist will use an anesthetic to numb you and possibly use N20 as well. If you see an oral surgeon for their extraction, then you will be put to sleep for the procedure. Don't think of your self as being a pansy, most everyone fears having the 3rd molar removed either way. What you should think of is the fact that the wisdom tooth has the "smallest root" of all the teeth. The reason they are considered so "bad" is that they are so far back and difficult to get to for removal. Most of the afterward pain you may experience will be from your jaws being so sore from staying stretched wide open for so long during the procedure. The second day start doing some jaw exercises, by opening and closing your mouth a little wider each time, and do this several times a day along with the warm salt water rinses. You'll do fine with which ever way you are scheduled to have them removed. Good luck and follow your dentist post-op instructions.
Reply:I had all 4 removed and I was knocked out cold.

You really don't want to be awake.

I was sore for a day or so, but other than that, it was really no big deal.
Reply:Generally, Yes.

They did for me!
Reply:The might also take out your wisdom with the teeth.....
Reply:am 19 year old you arnt suppose to get them till you are 21? sumit like tha. i been gettin mine since i was 16 yr old! horrible aching pain in my jaw! i will probablies have to get mine out, you can either get them out by anisthetic o they wil just numb your mouth youwont feel a thing.
Reply:when I got mine extracted, they only anesthesized the area they were working on. So I got one shot on each side of the gums for all four wisdom teeth. For a total of 8.

They asked if I wanted to be totally anesthesized and sleep thru it, but my insurance only covered a little bit of that, and I'd a have to pay a ridiculous amount out of pocket.

No thanks, local anesthesia was fine, my dentist even played ABBA in the background for distraction.

It's not too bad, if you don't mind the drilling noise and such.

Oh, and prepare to have a swollen face for a few days.
Reply:so am i!!!!! i have it done in a week yes they do put you to sleep and they say we wont feel anything then they give you strong pain releivers after!!!! GOOD LUCK!!!
Reply:count me as a pansy too...i was out cold and had all 4 removed at once.
Reply:I think you get a choice. Local anesthetic or go completely under. I had mine done (they were impacted) and I went under. They screwed mine up by hitting a nerve and it still affects me slightly. But I have had a LOT of friends that have gotten it done without a problem. It's just something you have to get done, just make sure you choose a good doctor.
Reply:A bottle of Jack Daniels and a pair of pliers works best
Reply:It depends on who the dentist is and how bad they are impacted. If you go to the right dentist you can just have local anesthesia.Don't think you are being a pansy lots of people get put out and have them all done at once!!
Reply:Youll probably get a numbing injection in your gums. My wisdom teeth are coming through and i plan on keeping mine :D
Reply:Different dentists do it differently, depending on their facilities. They can numb you or knock you out. Make sure they provide for your preference before making an appointment.
Reply:you have a choice of getting put to sleep or they num your mouth
Reply:I had the choice to be put to sleep or stay awake when I got my 4 wisdom teeth taken out. I'm a chicken, so I was out cold.
Reply:I was not put to sleep and I had to go to a oral Sergent. Don't be scarred, they gave me so many drugs that I did not feel a thing for days.

I got an IV with stuff in it, a gas thing on my nose and than a shot in my mouth in which at that point I did not even feel.
Reply:Well welcome to aduthood? lol I was told I have to get mine out too. All four. Which I'm not excited about either since I don't feel my top ones need removed. They are already in and straight but, the bottom one is coming in and straight then the other bottom one is impacted, coming in crooked. They said that would be the most problematic one. They won't put me under which is what I wanted. They will only give me lughing gas in a mask over my nose and probably anesthesia after. I scared too. I've heard horror stories, but I try to make myself think that alot of peoplehave this done all the time, so I can do it. Good Luck! I get mine out Apr. 20.

I saw a post above. I am going to an oral surgeon and they will not put me under! What gives?
Reply:No, they just numb it

My teeth are very wise too, they tell me the answers to my chemistry tests that only I can know

my conscience is in my teeth

they know everything I am going to do before I do it
Reply:You have the choice as to whether to do local or general anesthesia. Being "put to sleep" is the easiest way for you and the dentist.

You will have some pain the day of the procedure and for a day or two after. It's not that bad...just use cold compresses then heat for any swelling and take any medication the dentist gives you.
Reply:Nope they just make your mouth numb with Novacaine
Reply:my ***** got them taken out and they put her to sleep and she was really wacky and she is still screwedup to this day
Reply:I think you can be either awake or asleep it is up to you...most of the time if your wisdom teeth are already exposed or showing over the gum you will be awake because they will only be pulling them, if they are still under the gum then they will most like have to be cut out and they should put you to sleep for that.
Reply:yes, but i recommend you go to a biologic dentist so that you do not get cavitations. i have a list of sites you look for one if you need it, just email me.


A cavitation is an unhealed hole in the jawbone caused by an extracted tooth [or a root canal or an injury to a tooth]. Since wisdom teeth are the most commonly extracted teeth, most cavitations are found in the wisdom tooth sites. Please see the graphic and photo below to get a glimpse of what may be in your mouth and the effects it is having. The photo and diagram demonstrate the destructive and pathologic consequence of a routine tooth extraction. Dentists are taught in dental school that once they pull a tooth, the patient's body heals the resulting hole in the jawbone. However, approximately 95% of all tooth extractions result in a pathologic defect called a cavitation. The tooth is attached to the jawbone by a periodontal ligament which is comprised of "jillions" of microscopic fibers. One end of each fiber is attached to the jawbone and the other end of the fiber is attached to the tooth root. When a tooth is extracted, the fibers break midway between the root and the bone. This leaves the socket (the area where the root was anchored in the bone) coated with periodontal ligament fibers.

There are specialized cells in the bone called osteoblasts. Osteoblasts make new bone. The word "osteoblast" means bone former. They are active during growth and maintenance. However, the periodontal ligament prevents the osteoblasts from filling in the tooth socket with bone since the periodontal ligament fibers lining the socket act as a barrier beyond which the osteoblasts cannot form bone. In other words, an osteoblast "sees" a tooth when it "sees" periodontal ligament fibers. Since there are billions of bacteria in the mouth, they easily get into the open tooth socket. Since the bone is unable to fill in the defect of the socket, the newly formed "cavitation" is now infected. Since there is no blood supply to the "cavitation" it is called "ischemic" or "avascular" (without a blood supply). This results in necrosis (tissue death). Hence we call a cavitation an unhealed, chronically infected, avascular, necrotic hole in the bone. The defect acts to an acupuncture meridian the same way a dead tooth (or root canal tooth) acts. It causes an interference field on the meridian which can impair the function and health of other tissues, organs and structures on the meridian. Significantly, the bacteria in the cavitation also produce the same deadly toxins that are produced by the bacteria in root canals (see Root Canals). These toxins are thio-ethers (most toxic organic substance known to man), thio-ethanols, and mercaptans. They have been found in the tumors in women with breast cancer.


here is an example of sedation:


Before Conscious IV sedation was used in Biological Dentistry, there was no other choice but to have the patient come into the office as many as 5 or 6 times for treatment.

According to Dr. Hal Huggins, a pioneer researcher of biological dentistry, IV sedation is...[a good] approach for the patient's welfare because...[it will] not interfere with the 7-14-21 day cycle of the immune system. ...this new approach...[allows] for faster recouperation, excellent detoxification,...and [is] less stressful for the patient.

IV sedation is performed by a licensed anesthesiologist (M.D.). ...we use MIDAZOLAM. The risk is minimal with heart and blood pressure being monitored throughout the procedure. ...[It] can last anywhere from 3-6 hours, depending on the amount of work required; patient,...[it will seem like] it has only been an hour or less. The patient does not go under. They can talk, use the restroom, and interact and participate throughout the procedure. Some...patients drive home,...although...the patient [may opt to] bring a friend or spouse with them.
Reply:it depends...if they are coming in straight, then you'll prob. just get a freezing. All four of mine were impacted, or grew in sideways, so I had to have mine surgically removed.

sandals church

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