Monday, February 13, 2012

Snowboarding development?

Ok, I'm not half bad at snowboarding... i can go over the jumps, and do some grabs and 180s... and i have absolutely no trouble going down the hill whatsoever...

but i want to get better.

and unfortunately... i am a pansy... .

so either:

a) any tips for how to get the f***k over myself and just go big


b) any tips on how to work my way up fast (and look impressive)

Snowboarding development?
if i'm trying something new and i'm not convinced i'll come out ok on the other end i always try to look for some powder to try it in.

i try to see if i can hit the roation or grab right and land in some soft pow.

thats just could just go balls out and do it and so what if you fall? you get right back up and do it again.

the first fall is always the worst.
Reply:The only way to do it is to do it.

I think most girls have this problem. I know I do. We think too much. Guys just do it, even if it is dumb as hell.

When you land off a big jump, don't get scared and try to slow down right away, because you will eat it.

Also, make sure you clear the jump. So many girls claim big jumps in the park, but only land a few feet from the lip. So lame.

If you clear the jump, it is easy to land. If you straight air it, its almost as if nothing ever happened. If you come up short, and hit the flat or hump, it is hard to hold onto your landing. It is actually less likely you will crash if you go a little faster and actually clear it.

You are going to be going really fast when you go off big jumps. You need to know how to ride confidently at high speeds. No point in going off a jump if you can't ride fast enough to ride it out.

THE NUMBER ONE TRICK TO GETTING A LOT BETTER FAST: Find a group of guys who are good and tag along with them, and make yourself keep up.
Reply:this situation sounds ever so familiar.

1) Speed is your friend. Especially with jumps, do not be afraid to go fast.

2) two things you can do for yourself... if you have the dough and are willing to dish it out, try signing up for a camp or even freestyle lessons.

OR you can find yourself a crew. If you ride with people who are even just a bit better than you, it will push you to try harder and the support is great for getting over the willies. if you happen to have a friend whos also a freestyle instructor, well, youre all set.

oh, and honestly, dont worry about looking impressive. style comes with A LOT of practice, and practice means falling. anyone who chirps you usually doesnt know what theyre talking about, just get up and try again. Everyone goofs.
Reply:Think big...go big

Go big...BIG UPS!!!

If you're a pansy, then you'll eventually do the big stuff but not for a long time. You should try doing your normal stuff on smaller rails/jumps etc. once you're comfortable doing that, try bigger things on those same small jumps. Feeling ballsy? try backflips or barrel rolls.

You can work your way up doing this until you eventually get more and more comfortable doing these until you eventually try the big stuff.

If you're in hurry, screw it. Just go down the big jump. Yeah, you might get messed up but, even if you do crash and burn, you'll get much props for at least trying. After that, you'll get the bug and want to do it again. I'd highly recommend a helmet and pretty much any other protective gear you can get your hands on.

All else fails? bring a flask of whiskey with on the slope. Drink. Wait for the tingly feeling to kick in. Go for it. That's what I usually do.
Reply:What I do to get over my fears when I'm going to do something hard or new on the hill is just watch a couple other people do it then convince myself that I could definitely do whatever it is too because I'm just as good as the people who just did it. Also by watching the people you'll see how they did it so you'll have a better idea of what to do which will make you more confident.

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