Saturday, February 11, 2012

Anyone else very hormonal?

This is really just to make myself feel better. I am 25 weeks and everything makes me cry....not TV commercials or anything. But every little thing hurts my feelings and it seems like I am hypersensitive. I know it's normal but I just want to hear other people's stories so I feel like less of a pansy!

How hormonal are you?

Anyone else very hormonal?
Before I knew I was pregnant I drove 45 minutes to the closest mall to exchange a dress I had bought for a different size. When I got there my boyfriend and I searched and searched this very messy store and no dresses left.

So I spent more time in the store looking for an alternative item.. an hour later.. nothing. I was very irritated. So I decided I'd give up and get a gift card. I waited in a long line and when I finally got to the counter the lady said, sorry one of your tags is missing and you will have to exchange the dress now or keep it. Oh my goodness it was so weird I totally flipped out! I yelled at her about her nasty store, my long wait, rude service and of course she still said the same thing.

(I never act like this)

I walked out of the store and started balling and couldn't stop! I was crying so hard I could barely breath! My poor boyfriend kept saying.. please babe people are going to think I hit you or something.

But I couldn't stop... everything was sooo weird. The whole drive home I balled.

The next day I took a test, and I was pregnant. (Good thing I thought I went crazy!)
Reply:I was with my son. But I didn't want to cry everything just annoyed me. If someone walked by me and asked a question or said hi all I could think is why are you talking to me I didn't say andthing to you or tell you it was ok to talk to me. I was ready to argue at the drop of a hat. I really wanted to just hit some people. It was the crazyiest thing because most the time I am the most easy going layed back person. It takes a LOT to even get my mad enough that I would even just say something but not then. With my daughter I would just cry about little things. I was like a whiny kid I hated to be around myself sometimes. Thats the only thing I didn't like about being pregnant was the mood swings.
Reply:I'm very hormonal that I would worry about just anything about the baby, me, and my partner. I used to cry every day and night. I don't go out of my room that much too cuz I'm very sensitive. Everytime one of my family tells something not nice or that could irritate me, i get hurt that my heart just starts to pump so fast then i go teary. I don't like noises too. My dad plays the music or tv very loud! I don't like to see a crowd of people too - our house is always visited by some random people.
Reply:I feel ya, I am only 5 weeks pregnant but I am hiding out in the bedroom pouting because my husband annoys me so badly right now. I want to cry because I just want to cuddle and be loved on, but at the same time I am annoyed because he is just sitting back drinking a beer. I am pissed at him because he has been a little short with the kids today.... Don't get me wrong, he is a great dad and only has a beer or two once in a while.......but damn, I just want him to be different right now. O'h well, I think I will just watch a movie in here and pout until I fall asleep! Tomorrow things will be different... Good Luck
Reply:Ok, well I think I'm doomed.

I found out a week ago that I'm pregnant- don't really know how far along I am, and for a few days, I was weepy! Cried when I told my husband, cried when I told my sister, cried to the nurse on the phone- and I don't even know what I'm crying about!! I was at the gym on Tuesday and glanced up to one of the TVs, saw a headline (not really sad or anything) and started to get choked up!

I think this is going to be a very emotional nine months- and I won't even know why!!!! (hehe)

But regardless, I'm excited- scared cause it's my first, but excited :D
Reply:I am right there with you, especially today for some reason. I cried all the way home from work because I recalled something cruel someone had said to me several months ago. Earlier today I got in a laughing fit and had to leave a restaurant because I couldn't control my hysteria. So the hormones swing both ways. It's all making for a healthy baby and fortunately it's only temporary!
Reply:I'm VERY hormonal. I'm angry at the drop of dime and my stupid *** bf doesn't understand how to just shut up and let me be. NO! He has to argue right back with me, like that's gonna help the situation. UGH...everything irritates me to the point of crying sometimes. I can't wait for this to be over!!!
Reply:im crying right now because im scared im going in for a c-section in three days and my fiance has decided he needs yet ANOTHER night to him self. I've been an emotional wreak this entire pregnancy. personally i don't think it'll improve much after.
Reply:i had my son almsot 13 months ago and i'm stil like that- i think after you have kidds it just sticks lol- i watch that show birth day and stuff andd i just want to cry and kiss my son lol
Reply:i cried all the time and my boyfriend would vouch for that...i cried when he yelled at me when we fought or when a sad tv commercial came on ll i was bad!
Reply:Im very hormonal. Last night i cried because i was lonely but i didnt want to see anyone. haha.
Reply:I was already emotional so nothing has changed for me...thank goodness!
Reply:Hormonal... Yes that's the word... It happens to all of us.

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