Thursday, February 9, 2012

Enough with the "mother Bleeping" Draft questions!!!!! Anyone else tired of them?

First off. se the box that says search questions? USE it! 4907 draft questions is enough!!!!! We Are not having a draft. Congress voted on this 2 years ago. 420-2!!!!!! Charles Rangel has got a bug up his butt about this but it not going anywhere. And has not every time hes bought it up.

2) The military does not want a draft or needs one! They have no need for the pansy assed whiners who kept asking these damn questions!

3) Your cloging the Military board with BS. Please take the politcal crap, the When are we leaving iraq, and when did the civil war start elsewhere.

Enough with the "mother Bleeping" Draft questions!!!!! Anyone else tired of them?
Yeah I'm with ya.Everyone is so paranoid.It's great.Shows you how many pansy asses there really are in America these days.
Reply:I agree But it proves a point. If they just read the whole article,

they wouldn't have to ask the question.
Reply:You rock!
Reply:I agree!!!

Call your travel can cancel your plans for Canada!

Everyone needs to quit are not going to be drafted!
Reply:ur asking one and if u dont like them dont read them its not like the people who posted them did it to hurt u or piss u of so chill out
Reply:I haven't seen any of them

But glad you got all that off your chest, you should feel better now

Had to come back just seen 3 - ok you are right to many
Reply:I am with you ,but let's go a little further,how about we develop a list of dis-information to scare the hell out of these idiots -like fake house bill numbers that no one will check and make them think the SKY IS FALLING -lol .if we keep our stories straight and somewhat believeable we can prove HITLER right ,that if we tell the big lie often enough people will believe it! we need a leader and we need a freebie web site and we can have these losers thinking they are on the FAST TRACK TO IRAQ!! who is with me
Reply:I'm sick of them to Lana

you go girl

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