Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Sometimes it seems as though people enjoy making life complicated.?

I myself like a simple life, why do people enjoy drama and complications so much? Sometimes when I read questions on here I feel exasperated. Please don't tell me I'm the only one who thinks this! Be as honest as you like, I'm not one of these precious little pansies who cries 'abuse' at the slightest hint of a negative answer!

Sometimes it seems as though people enjoy making life complicated.?
I totally agree w/ you. Many people crave attention therefore create drama. I hate it! If you have nothing else to do with your life than create problems and sh*t, theres something totally wrong. I love living drama free and try to stay away from the ones who thrive off of it!
Reply:Yes, there are people out there who just live to find fault or love to bask in the "poor me" syndrome. Life is definitely too short to waste it whining or griping. Enjoy, it's all you get.
Reply:I like your remarks and ? agree with you... have a nice weekend

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