Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Why do most Republicans turn into pansies when you talk about going into Pakistan after Bin Laden?

They start saying "oh they don't want us there"... oh kind of like Iraq and Afghanistan didn't?... it didn't stop us then? "it would destablize the government"... kind of like how Iraq has an unstable government?

Why do they care about Pakistan so much all of a sudden? It's basically a dicatorship with Nukes?

Do they just not care about another possible attack?

NO ONE knows what he's up too... so how can you say he's not a threat when you have NO IDEA? It's been 3 years since he most likely moved out of Afghanistan... that's a lot of time for planning....

Is all you can say "he hasn't attacked yet"?... that's what everyone said under the eight years of Clinton's presidency and look how well that turned out... apparently you guys can't learn?

Is there just not enough money in it to go after Osama?

Why do most Republicans turn into pansies when you talk about going into Pakistan after Bin Laden?
because they never planned to even go after osama because they know they can't catch him. they were just using him to get into iraq.
Reply:The Bush family and the Bin Laden family were business partners! They never intended to get Osama, just use him to attack Iraq. Republicans are scum! Report It
Reply:Osama does not matter very much anymore.The US has dismembered his big stomping ground and would-be army.Afghanistan is under the control of rhe US as is Iraq.We have bigger fish to fry concerning Iran than we do Osama.If we go in,we will have beheaded a three headed Hydra:Iraq,Iran and Afghanistan.

It will be one of the greatest military achievements in history.Three centers of Islamic terrorism will be overcome.

To make it even better,they all adjoin one another.

Osama is not a demi-god nor can he operate in a vacuum.He is on the run,not in control.
Reply:None of the Republicans have kids in the military.
Reply:What I don't understand is how a person can be either a Republican or a Democrat. I don't agree with either side 100%, nor do I disagree with either side 100%. Each has good, and each had bad. Bottom line...they'll say what you want to hear, just to get into office. After that, you S.O.L.
Reply:Because they are bullies- and bullies NEVER cross their backup clique- on the other hand you have the democrats that are so idolized, who like the cowards they are have decided that the answer to a bully is to give him whatever he wants- if he wants sex, let him rape you, if he wants money give him your milk money- great alternative.

How about we follow our Constitution, put an end to the police state that both parties want, stay home and take care of our own business, and let the rest of the world work out whatever they want- when they decide they want to be bullies, let 'em meet the quiet nice guy with a black belt that doesn't want to fight- but don't start one or he'll finish it?
Reply:We can't enter a country against their will to collect someone we can't be sure is there. It would be an act of war. Afghanistan %26amp; Iraq were part of war on terror. Saddam Hussien, Twin Towers, 9/11 - anything ring a bell yet. I have a solider, my son %26amp; I still support the war on terror. It will keep my children %26amp; grandchildren safe. They struck once on American soil %26amp; they will again if allowed to - cowards unwilling to support the soliders %26amp; America may deserve what they wish for but my family does not.
Reply:First of all, not all Republicans were originally for the war. Please, don't speak in generalizations about one particular party's beliefs, because you will get proved wrong every time.

Regarding Pakistan, they have sworn alliance with the United States for years, and they themselves have a no-tolerance policy for radical Islam. With the price for Osama's head, it would be very unlikely that if he was in Pakistan that he could go to an urban area without being captured.

Of course, nobody knows what he's up to. They can say that he's not a threat because he has very little organized support left with the United States' mobilization into the Middle East.

"Clinton" and current Middle Eastern dilemmas shouldn't even be used in the same paragraph together.

We do have the money and manpower to go after Osama (maybe you don't recall the invasion of Afghanistan). It's been five years though without capture or confirmed kill, thus, it is assumed that he has left Afghanistan and gone elsewhere. The problem with that is that we don't know where he went, so there's no starting point.
Reply:There is no Osama Bin Laden G, the Russians have a report of killing him 16 years ago. You should read up on it. Americas republicans and George Bush are nothing but liars and propagandists to raise the inflation rate, weapons contracts, war rebuilding (OILFIELDS, PIPELINES to the INDIAN OCEAN) normal Republican stuff. Warrant less wire tapping, it's all been done before. The Republicans are just like parrots, they just repeat themselves over, and over.

How to keep curls in

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