Admit it -- you've probably got more than one type in your church:
Type 1: Believe they can safely drink a bottle of cyanide while wearing a rattlesnake around their necks
Type 2: Smile politely at Type 1 while edging away from them
Type 3: Think the 1s are nuts and the 2s are pansies
And on and on, you get my point. So why do they all profess the same religion?
Why do people with vastly different beliefs all call themselves christians?
Because, they all believe in Christ. That is the ONLY requirement to call oneself a Christian.
There are many types of hedonists, Pagans, Muslims, atheists, racists, homosexuals, etc. There is a great variety in any broad group, and Christianity is a broad group. You'll find less variety in a more specific group, such as "Dutch Reformed Christians". The less specific you get, the more variety you get.
Reply:I think it's just like us atheists... lots of different people, practices and beliefs with only one joining factor. It's probably a good thing that they are not all automatons... lol
Reply:One meme, many mutations.
Reply:YES... they Profess..... Religion.... BUT.... NOT... SALVATION!
Did JESUS... say..... Few.... Some.... -OR-... Many ? ? ?
(Matthew 7:20-to-23) Therefore by their fruits you shall know them.
(Mat 7:21) Not everyone who says to Me, Lord! Lord! shall enter the kingdom of Heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in Heaven.
(Mat 7:22) = = MANY = = will say to Me in that day, Lord! Lord! Did we not prophesy in Your name, and through Your name throw out demons, and through Your name do many wonderful works?
(Mat 7:23) And then I = will say to them = I never knew you! = Depart from Me, = those working = = lawlessness!
Thanks for Asking ! RR
Reply:They all share a belief that Jesus Christ died on the cross for us.
Reply:Because they all believe in Jesus Christ I guess...
Reply:Because they all believe that they are disciples of Christ.
Don't let it worry you too much...Jesus, Himself, knows who belongs to him, and who doesn't.
And in the end, it is only His opinion that really counts...
Reply:Because the foundation of their beliefs is still Jesus Christ and his teachings.
Even with a solid foundation, some people get ideas that seem strange to the majority. I like to say that all people are mentally ill -- just in different ways. What's important is what we do with the light we're given.
Reply:because people are people and unless you follow the teachings of Christ i would be hard pressed to believe your a christian ,again people are people and they well fall away from there beliefs and my not seam Christians but that is between god and them .we should only judge ourselves
Reply:I think it's like political parties. Even in my own family. I've got the ones who are raving Republicans because that's the only party that "loves fetuses" and is God's Own Party. Then theres the ones who are rabid Republicans because they love money, golfing and are loathe to share any of their wealth. And then there are the conspiricy theorist Republicans who will vote for anyone who allows them to keep a few dozen guns around the house.
Now insert "Jesus" for Republican and ... voila!
Reply:I agree. They are all going to say it is because of their common belief in Christ. But they sure don't call Catholics Christian. They should never call themselves Christians. They should call themselves, Presbyterian, Baptist, Nazarene....etc. Because they all practice their faith differently. Only the tiny core is the same.
Reply:LOL!!! I'm type 2!
It's because everyone is an individual, and people can agree on overall large points while strenuously disagreeing about the details.
In fact, early Christianity had a multitude of sects and splinter groups--basically, each apostle headed up his own version of Christianity, and then there were groups whose beliefs were influenced by Greek philosophy and other influences. It was a big melting pot.
Constantine convened the Council of Nicea in AD 325 to try to make Christianity more uniform, because he had just converted and couldn't figure out what the heck calling oneself Christian meant, because there were so many sects. That's how Catholicism came about. The word means 'universal.'
Had that not happened, we might still have today an immense number of Christian sects--in fact, we do, but since they all use some form of the Nicean Creed, that helps them stay somewhat consistent, despite their differences.
Reply:Oh they are gearing up to take us all out, don't worry. The crazed Evangelicals are going to take over, it's just a matter of time in my opinion.
Reply:Because they all sprung from the same stock of Christianity.
Reply:For me it does not matter how they identify themselves, i will respect them and will acknowledge them as they wish, as long as they harm none. Whats truly in name?
From a Wiccans perspective :)
Blessings Doe x
Reply:The point is that they all believe some eccentric hippie who may or may not have lived 2,000 years ago is their 'saviour'. Yes, I know it's ridiculous but that's the core belief that unites them.
Reply:Because Satan blinds the minds of those who believe in false religions that call themselves Christians, but betray themselves by the fruitages fo their works.
Reply:Religious pluralism ( the belief that ALL religions are essentially the truth and reflect the nature of God to some degree) is the culprit behind most, if not all, the lunacy going on in religion for the last, oh, - 1,000 years or so. True Christian religion and its customs and traditions should flow from truth- they should never attempt to determine truth by their own merits.
Reply:Why do prisons containing many different naughty people ie murderers, thiefs, rapists, muggers, etc all get called Criminals?
Reply:This is true of all well as all countries, all people..even families.
Reply:Because the buy-bull is open to a million different interpretations.
Reply:Because every person is different. It isn't a case of one size fits all.
It is apparent that many people who post and answer questions here, have their own view about Christianity but find it difficult to accept that sincere Christians have other views. For example if I thought that God was as he/she was portrayed by aethists in the questions, I don't think I would be a Christian. :-)
Reply:because they believe their basis of faith is christ.
Reply:Not only that, but claim to be the majority. The largest group that shares the same beliefs probably only make up about 1% of the earth.
Reply:Because some go over board about what they read,
God is not the author of confusion and all the poision,s
and snake,s tempt God and the Bible say,s not to tempt
Reply:Maybe they're not even worshiping the same God, just using the same name? They are all Christians, because they base their beliefs on the teachings of Christ -- but they come to such a different understanding of who God is, that they are practicing different religions under the same name. And perhaps it is a different God that hears their prayers?
Reply:You tend to get it in all major religions.
It's exactly the same as 'Hinduism', Islam, and all the others; different ideas about God, the nature of the soul, practices, diet, dress, etc., all grouped nicely under the same banner.
I think it's just down to convenience, really. People like to label other people, and if you share a similar view as someone else it's easier for someone else who isn't familiar with what you believe in to wrap it all up in a nice little package, otherwise we'd have even more religions and ideas than we do now.
Think of the mess!
? ?
safety shoes
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