Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Is American Football just for Pansies............the rugby game is just as tough and they wear no protection?

Holy f*cking sh*t they come in mobs don't they

Is American Football just for Pansies............the rugby game is just as tough and they wear no protection?
mentally a person would probably be more scared playing rugby because of the fact that there are no pads, but you can play football without pads as well. I have never played rugby, so I have no personal experience (though I would like to), but I think you have to be tough in both sports. Professional football players are "tougher" than professional rugby players, mainly due to money attracting the better athletes to the NFL, though if both sports had athletes of equal ability Rugby would be the "tougher" of the two. On an episode of sports science they ran tests and found that hits in football are much harder than hits in rugby, although there is less chance of injury because the pads take a lot of the force and spread it out over a larger area. Also, football has a lot more head-on contact, especially between linemen. There IS a reason why they wear pads in football but do not in Rugby. As far as the game goes, as well as answering the question, I think Rugby is a "tougher" sport, but only because they do not wear pads.
Reply:No American football, just like Rugby, is for anybody skilled enough to play. The question of toughness is relative. Wearing no protection just means that you have a better chance of getting hurt and you can inflict less damage on your opponent when hitting him. A player with a helmet and pads will have absolutely no fear of running straight through a player at full speed. That same individual, Rugby plaer or not, will act differently without protection. Two different games with two different sets of rules. You may as well ask which is better an apple or an orange?
Reply:Why is it that Rugby fans seem so obsessed with American Football if they think it is such a pansy sport. Could it be flat out jealousy of the fact that the championship of American Football is viewed by billions of people in every corner of the world, while nobody outside of maybe half a dozen countries gives a rats **** about their game? Could it be that there are probably aborigines in Australia, Buddhist Monks in China, and pygmies in Africa that would recognize names like Chicago Bears, Peyton Manning, New England Patriots, but who would think that the NEC Harlequins were a troop of court jesters? Could it be that they are somehow so misguided that they equate using safety equipment to prevent injury with being less of a man then having a total disregard for your own safety? I would hope these fools would use a seat belt when they drive, a hardhat if they are construction workers, and a parachute if they want to jump out of a plane.

Take your argument elsewhere. You are only going to get 2 kinds of responses here - the American fans defending their game, making you all eventually turn tail and run, just as you did from us after the Revolution and the War of 1812: and the Rugby fans who will swarm all over this section faster then the Luftwaffe did on London.

You can't win either way - whether more football fans or Rugby fans answer questions like this, you still end up looking like a complete and utter fool.
Reply:I dont know a whole lot about rugby but i do know a whole lot about football and there is absolutely no way that whatever the pro rugby league is would be tougher than the NFL. An average NFL CAREER lasts 3.5 years. Thats because people who are 6'4 260 pound men running at 4.4 seconds per forty yards colliding is cause for serious wreckage on the body. NFL football players are in my opinion some of the most outrageous athletes on the face of the earth. These kids in HS are the kids we all wish we could of been but not only are they that but they are the players in HS who lettered in 3 different sports and were the best player hands down in all their sports and in there states. I could not see that about rugby players. all i picture when i think of rugby is a big open field with screaming rowdy blonkers piling on top of one another for a football that was smashed into a more spherical form probably by the dominant NFL athletes and sent over the atlantic for the 2nd rate sport of rugby to be played.
Reply:ok im not gonna sit here and trash you for saying this, but i will say that ive played rugby and football, and although rugby CAN be tough, football is ALWAYS tough. oh and for the guy who said look up rugby hits on you tube, look up football hits!!! if they make it on you tube there almost always like huge! its definitly not for pansies trust me.
Reply:lol have you been on my question network?? and before loads of americans reply saying "american football is much more tougher etc" it isn't at all and i can assure that you that most americans will get absoulutely destroyed playing rugby... youtube some rugby tackles, you'll be lucky to finish the game wiith cuts and bruises not to mention players punching each other in the scrum, its a real mans game but american football is pretty popular so i guess you cant knock it.....
Reply:I guess we're still not done arguing about this are we?

Rugby players become NFL punters and kickers. If NFL players went without pads, it'd probably kill them. Not so with rugby. I've played both. They're both awesome sports, but you have to be a freak of nature to play American Football at the professional level.

It's obvious you've never played American Football, because guys who weigh 175 pounds or less are trying to block guys who are 300 pounds are so. If you want to see true toughness, look up footage of Brett Favre from the Green Bay Packers throwing body blocks into these guys. And 300 pounds is an understatement. We've had men around 400 pounds in the league. They'd make rugby jam out of rugby players.
Reply:rugby is brutal, but in rugby you dont have 300 lb guys going full speed and slamming into each other, its more a very hard bump. go back to england, lets see you last one play in american football
Reply:Different game, different rules. Tackles on and off the ball in American Football would never be allowed in either union or league rugby. This is why AFC players wear protection.
Reply:Meh, this question is nonsense.

Do you call a racecar driver a pansy because he wears a 4-point harness and has brakes on his car?

No, I call that common sense.
Reply:You say that to a 300 pound linemen running at you at full speed. In rugby you only have tow rory about being hit by 170 pound tired and sweaty marathon runners.
Reply:American football is for tough guys, so is rugby. Why can't there be more than one sport where the players have to be tough?
Reply:I'm sure getting hit by Peter the Pansy tickles but try Ray Lewis a guy who beat up a man to death one time.

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