Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Study the two reasons very carefully and complete the syllogism with the conclusion that logically follows.?

6. All fragile things are breakable things.

Some glasses are fragile things.


7. All mammals are warm-blooded animals.

All whales are mammals.


8. All books are things with pages.

Some books are mysteries.


9. All flowers are pretty objects.

All pansies are flowers.


10. No animals are plants.

All sheep are animals.


Study the two reasons very carefully and complete the syllogism with the conclusion that logically follows.?
Therefore some glasses are breakable things.

Therefore whales are warm-blooded animals.

Therefore mystery books have pages.

Therefore pansies are pretty objects.

Therefore sheep are not plants.
Reply:Some glasses are fragile things.

All whales ae warm-blooded animals.

Some things with pages are mysteries.

All pansies are pretty objects.

No sheep are plants.
Reply:i agree with the 1st answerer except for the first response.....it should be "some glasses are breakable things"
Reply:some fragile things are breakable things

all whales are warm blooded animals

Some things with pages are mysteries

All pansies are pretty objects

No sheep are plants

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