Friday, February 3, 2012

Why didn't Democrats defund the war in Iraq?

Reid and Pelosi made a bunch of promises but didn't follow through. You could complain about Bush's veto power if they really tried to defund the war but they did not do this. Instead Reid attacked Generals and the military. What a pansy he is.

Why didn't Democrats defund the war in Iraq?
They tried to. Bush veto the Bill
Reply:Most of Congress was elected in 2006 for 2 years.

Bush was elected in 2004 for FOUR years.


They probably see no need to tear the government apart right now.

He's president. A politically intelligent person will only go so far in trying to help him out of his war.

He isn't accepting any help so you have to let him play with his morbid toys a little longer.


If you defund the war, one really ought to just impeach him. The country's sick of the all-or-nothing political games.

No one promised to defund the war. We may not like it, but they explicitly promised quite the opposite.
Reply:Becuase it would be politcal suicide for them. If they defund the war; the troops would come home, this nation would see this as a negative on the president, a Democrat could win the presidency and would have to go back there and clean up the mess they made by leaving in the middle of the job they didn't let us finish.
Reply:For the nine thousandth time, they don't have the votes to override the republicans and our republican President.
Reply:Needs change. Ideas change. We move forward.

If Pelosi and Reid can't stand up to a President with 26% approval rating

They should give the leadership to people that have a spine.
Reply:Because democrats have no principles when it comes to making speeches or sound bites or youtube bites. Many times in Congress they remember they have at least a few principals, that they are American.
Reply:because they don't want to alienate those that support the troops. They also don't want to go on record voting for something if it might get vetoed unless they have super majority to allow them to over throw the veto. They should do their vote which is their job then if it is vetoed try to over ride. But when you really have no view or opinion you have trouble going on record because the group you are voting for today my not be the one you answer to tomorrow and they might not like you previous vote
Reply:Cause they are politicans. Just because they claim to have your values, are as you are, and claim to be just like you. They aren't. If The Dems really believed the Iraq War was bringing America down, they would have stopped to funding. But they didn't.
Reply:I don't think they ever really intended to. it would be very unpopular if it were done and the results were not what was hoped for. it's just part of the political game. big talk with no action of consequence.
Reply:I think their strategy will be different when the next emergency supplemental request comes from Bush. The criticism that they are getting and the low approval ratings should show them that they have to stand firm against Bush. Either he accepts the deadlines or he gets no funding. It should be a take it or leave approach. They can't override vetoes so they have to refuse to offer any legislation that differs from what they want.
Reply:It is because

#1 they lie to get into office

#2 they support the war, because they know that its whats best,

#3 and nancy doesnt care about anyone but herself.
Reply:Just cut and run liberal cowards! That's all!

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