Sunday, February 5, 2012

Is it normal for a grown guy (25) to cry during sad parts of movies??

Or am i just a wuss/pansy etc etc.

Is it normal for a grown guy (25) to cry during sad parts of movies??
It's ok to cry. Our culture tells every man to not show his feelings, but that's not a very healthy way to live. Showing your feelings, not being afraid to cry, makes you a stronger person than someone who can't show his feelings. You are stronger because you can deal with what is inside you. They can't.

PS: When a girl sees a man cry, she wants to comfort him, shower him with love and affection. If you want to get your girlfriend into a session of intense love-making (not just sex), do something emotional, like watch a movie, that will get those eye juices flowing. She won't be able to resist.
Reply:I would have to say that you are a modern day guy who has feelings that can be touched by movies. There is nothing wrong with you. People who think you are a pansy or a wuss for doing this are social, repressive retards that need to get a clue.
Reply:It is totally normal. Most men will "hide" it though.

It just means you are a compassionate person.

Good luck. Pops
Reply:Its ok to show your feelings. Let it all out. Get emotional.Its not normal because most are afraid to show their true feelings.
Reply:That's exactly what the sad parts of movies are supposed to do. Make you feel emotion. You are human and be proud of the fact that your senses aren't dulled to human emotion like so many in society today. With all of the talk shows and reality shows, and horror/violent movies that are viewed as entertainment it isn't any wonder so many people are desensitized. You aren't a weak because you have feelings and show them.
Reply:normal.......Hard Doodle.
Reply:sure after all men are sensitive too
Reply:Perfectly normal
Reply:A real man is in touch with who and what he is, as such he allows himself the full range of emotional responses. He also takes responsibility for those responses.

A real wuss is a guy who too afraid of what others will think and keeps his emotions locked away......................... usually until they explode all over everyone in aberrant behavior. Like rape, shooting people etc.
Reply:i think thats adorable!
Reply:What's wrong with empathy? Besides, chicks dig it.
Reply:As long as you don't scream your lungs out, i think you're fine.

Crying is good for your eyes.
Reply:Perfectly normal! I think it's great that you aren't afraid to show your feelings.

Some people may call you a wuss/pansy... but it is actually a turn on for a lot of women when a guy shows his sensitive side.
Reply:Not at all sweetie . It shows you are human .
Reply:I love it! Some men have hearts too. We chicks totally find it least you're not an a hole.
Reply:Woman will love you for this, men will call you a wussy.

try and play it off.

you got something in your eye right?
Reply:He's emotional....its normal if your a emotional person.
Reply:It's more normal than it is to bottle up all your feelings in the name of 'manhood'.
Reply:Its normal... society says men can't cry but thats a load of crap.
Reply:no must be a sweet kind man
Reply:In our society, I'd say it is unusual. But then I think our society is sick. My best friend does the same thing. He is so sensitive and so loveable.
Reply:Well..... yes you are a huge wuss grow up buddy
Reply:It is normal because you are just human.
Reply:Girls love a guy with a big heart. My hubby is a hunk and cries sometimes even at soap operas, lol. My 2 sons (25%26amp;27) are bigger hunks and cry during some movies. Who doesn't? It's not a girl's a human thing.
Reply:how childish you are.Anyhow,crying is a sort of solution to relieve one's pressure from the life.Go ahead and just do it

however,you would be made fun of if a grown man cries in the public during the movie.which is usually be taken as a immature


my gay guy friends don't even cry at movies...
Reply:nothing wrong with it, infact women probably dig it.
Reply:i wouldn't say it's "normal" because "normally" guys don't let themselves open up to the emotions that lead to crying, especially w/ movies. just b/c it's not "normal" doesn't mean it's not right. i feel like crying at a lot of dumb things in movies and such. not only sad parts, but inspirational parts too... have you ever seen rudy or field of dreams?... real tear jerkers.
Reply:I agree that girls love a man who can cry. And besides, it's only in our modern society that it is not okay. The ancient Romans cried all the time. It's even in their literature.
Reply:Tear up --- yes; weep loudly --- no


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